Prison Health Care Services

A Pipeline Notice

Contracts Finder
Potential Contract ()
7 year
12 Jul 2022
01 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2030



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


NHS England - London Region (hereafter referred to as "The Authority") invites Healthcare providers to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) and completion of EOI questionnaires from all suitable providers to deliver Integrated Prison Healthcare Services, acting as the Prime Provider in the following establishments in London: • HMP Belmarsh • HMP Thameside • HMP Pentonville • HMP Wormwood Scrubs • HMP/YOI Isis The Authority intends to commission Prison Healthcare Services in the above establishments through three lots: Lot 1 - HMP Belmarsh & HMP Thameside Lot 2 - HMP Pentonville and HMP Wormwood Scrubs Lot 3 - HMP YOI Isis The Authority will hold a contract with the prime provider, who can directly provide care and/or subcontract elements to other specialist providers. The Provider will ensure that the Service is provided in accordance with the relevant principles, values, standards, and national legislative requirements for Prison Healthcare The provider will have experience in delivering a fully integrated healthcare services consisting of Primary Care, Mental Health and Substance Misuse services as well as Allied Health Professionals Experience of delivering healthcare provision in Reception, Resettlement, Category A prisons and the young adult estate is also essential. The healthcare services in the contract include (see service specification for full requirements) • Primary Care services • Primary and Secondary Mental health and Learning Disability Services • Substance Misuses Services • Public Health & Screening Programmes • Diagnostics and Pathology • Podiatry • Physiotherapy • Occupational Therapy • Radiology • Radiography • Optometry • Musculoskeletal therapies • Pharmacy and Medicine management • Cleaning within Clinical areas • Translation and Interpretation • Portering • Administration and Performance Management • Social care in partnership with Local Authority

Total Quantity or Scope

YEAR: 2023/2024; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00 YEAR: 2024/2025; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00 YEAR: 2026/2027; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00 YEAR: 2027/2028; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00 YEAR: 2028/2029; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00 YEAR: 2029/2030; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00 YEAR: 2030/2031; BUDGET: 43,262,667.00

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Any communications or clarification questions about this contract opportunity must be submitted via the messaging facility for this project on ProContract e-tendering portal. The deadline for any clarification questions is 17:00 on Tuesday 19 July 2022 12.00 (Noon). The Procurement process will be facilitated entirely online via The Authority's e-procurement portal (ProContract). Interested Applicants wishing to participate in the procurement must register, express an interest, and complete the online questionnaires hosted on the portal prior to the deadline for submission (12 noon on the Monday 25 July 2022). PLEASE READ THE FULL ADVERT WHICH IS ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. Contract length and value: The contracts for the Service will be awarded for a period of 5 years (60 months), with an optional extension for a further period of 2 years (24 months). Therefore, the maximum duration of the contracts, if all extension options are taken up will be 7 years (84 months). The maximum annual contract value for this project is £43,262,667 per annum. Over the 7 years, if all contracts are extended to its full duration, the total maximum contract value will be £302,838,669. Lot 1: HMP Belmarsh and HMP Thameside: • HMP Belmarsh - Contract value (per annum) is £8,041,723, Contract Value (5 years) is £40,208,615, Contract Value (7 years) is £56,292,061. • HMP Thameside - Contract value (per annum) is £9,020,153, Contract Value (5 years) is £45,100,765, Contract Value (7 years) is £63,141,071. Lot 2: HMP Pentonville and HMP Wormwood Scrubs: • HMP Pentonville - Contract value (per annum) is £11,163,122, Contract Value (5 years) is £55,815,609, Contract Value (7 years) is £78,141,854. • HMP Wormwood Scrubs - Contract value (per annum) is £10,889,582, Contract Value (5 years) is £54,447,910, Contract Value (7 years) is £76,227,074. Lot 3: HMP/YOI Isis: HMP/YOI Isis - Contract value (per annum) is £4,148,087, Contract Value (5 years) is £20,740,435, Contract Value (7 years) is £29,036,609. Please note: Bidders may submit EOIs for one, two or all three Lots; however, a single Bidder will not be awarded more than two Lots. This cap is being proposed to ensure there is plurality of provision in London to enable a comparison of service outcomes and to promote service resilience and preserve competition in London. Lots 1 and 2 above include two prisons each. Where a Lot has more than one prison, an EOI for that Lot refers to both /all the prisons included in the Lot and consequently a successful Bidder must deliver healthcare services for all the prisons within that Lot; however, the bidder will receive a separate contract for each prison. The contract(s) will be awarded without further publication. Should only one suitable EOI be received in a Lot, the Authority will reserve the right to undertake a negotiated procedure to award the contract(s) for that Lot. Where multiple EOIs are deemed to be successful after evaluation) in a Lot, the Authority will invite the successful Applicants to a competitive procurement Where a competitive procurement is needed, this is expected to be published on Monday 15 August 2022. … Please use the above link to access the ProContract portal and submit your expression of interest PRJ1146 - Prison Healthcare Services Expression of Interest Advert - PLEASE READ THE FULL ADVERT PRJ1146 - Prison Healthcare Services Expression of Interest Advert.pdf

