Contract for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Audio -Visual Equipment for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7)
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Supply)
- Duration
- 2.5 month (est.)
- Value
- £734K
- Sector
- Published
- 12 Jul 2022
- Delivery
- 09 May 2022 to 22 Jul 2022 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a
Keele University Science and Innovation Park

4 buyers
- Keele University Staffordshire
1 supplier
- Idns Bolton
Tenders are invited for the contract for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Audio Visual Equipment for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) in accordance with the Tender Specification in Section 2 of the ITT. The AV set up in the building will include an immersive Data Visualisation Suite made up of LED Tiles, a large Atrium LED video wall and a high-tech meeting room equipped for hybrid meetings and collaborative working. Other spaces will be equipped with large format displays and wireless presentation devices. Digital Signage and AV control systems will be required throughout the building. The Design and Build of Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) is part funded through a suite of secured funding including Keele University, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the England 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme, and UK Government funding through the Getting Building Fund. The Audio Visual Equipment is also part funded by ERDF.
Total Quantity or Scope
The main reasons for the decision not to subdivide the contract into lots : Given the need for one supplier to co-ordinate the supply, delivery, installation ,commissioning and programming of the AV Equipment required, the contract has not been subdivided into lots. The supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and programming of AV equipment for IC7 needs to be completed by 22nd July 2022. The contract will commence on 9th May 2022 and run until the completion date of 22nd July 2022 followed by a 12-month defects liability period. All equipment and labour are to be covered by a 12-month minimum guarantee. Where the manufacturers guarantee for equipment extends beyond 1 year, you are to fulfil those obligations under that guarantee.
Award Detail
1 | Idns (Bolton)
Award Criteria
Approach and Methodology for the delivery of the Contract for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Audio-Visual Equipment for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) | 200.0 |
Programme for the delivery of the Contract for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Audio-Visual Equipment for the Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) | 100.0 |
Relevant Experience and Expertise of key named individuals assigned to performing the Contract for the Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Audio-Visual Equipment for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7) | 200.0 |
Technical Support / After Sales Service provided under the Contract | 100.0 |
PRICE | 400.0 |
CPV Codes
- 32000000 - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
- 32323000 - Video monitors
- 32323300 - Video equipment
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
The Design and Build of Innovation Centre 7 (IC7, Ref:32R19P03785) is part funded through a suite of secured funding including Keele University, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the England 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme, and UK Government funding through the Getting Building Fund. Tenderers remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them or by any third party acting under instructions from the Tenderer in connection with taking part in this procurement, regardless of whether such costs arise as a direct or indirect consequence of any amendments made to the procurement documents by the University at any time. The University reserves the right to vary or change all or any part of the basis of the procedures for the procurement process at any time or not to proceed with the proposed procurement at all. Indeed, the University does not bind itself to accept the highest scoring or any tender. Tenderers will be subject to a financial assessment to evidence that they have an acceptable level of financial standing to deliver a contract of the size and complexity of the Contract for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of Audio-Visual Equipment for Innovation Centre 7 (IC7). Note: When requested by the University, Tenderers will be required to provide a copy of their audited accounts for the last two years or if this cannot be supplied, the supporting evidence detailed in either 4.1(a), (b) or (c) of the ITT. In conjunction with the above, the University will undertake a Creditsafe credit report in respect of the Tenderer. Tenderers may be excluded from the process where their Creditsafe Credit Rating is 29 out of 100 or below. The Design and Build of Innovation Centre 7 (IC7, Ref:32R19P03785) is part funded through a suite of secured funding including Keele University, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the England 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Growth Programme, and UK Government funding through the Getting Building Fund. The Audio-visual Equipment for IC7 is also part funded by ERDF.
- OJEU 377957-2022