Oldham Town Centre - Master Developer Private Sector Partner

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
1025.5 year
11 Jul 2022
05 Jun 2023 to 31 May 3048
11 Aug 2022 10:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Oldham Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Notice linked to FTS 2022/S 000-018959. The Council is seeking to appoint a Master Developer Private Sector Partner (PSP) with the financial means and relevant experience, skills, and resources to make a significant contribution to achieving the Vision for Oldham Town Centre via participation in a public private (development) partnership "the Partnership" with the Council. The proposed sites that will be included in the scope of the Project initially are: Site 1 - Civic Centre Site 2 - Former Magistrates Court & Manchester Chambers Site 3 - Former Leisure Centre Additional Opportunity Sites The Council also has potentially some further sites that it may wish to include in the scope of the Project at some point in the future "Additional Opportunity Sites". The Additional Opportunity Sites will not form part of the scope for the Project but the Council is hopeful that such can be included for discussion at some point in the future. Bidders should assume though that for now the scope of the Project will be confined to the Sites above. Please note that the Council will not be obliged to bring forward any Additional Opportunity Sites but the PSP will be expected to consider any proposals that the Council may put forward. The Additional Opportunity Sites are: Site 4 - Bradshaw Street Site 5 - Metropolitan Place Site 6 - Mumps & Wallshaw Street Site 7 - Southgate Street & Waterloo Street Site 8 - Tommyfield Market Third Party Land. There may also be other land within the vicinity of the Sites that is not within the ownership of the Council as at the date that the Master Development Agreement is entered into but which may enhance the overall proposition if brought within the scope of the Project Third Party Land. At the request of the Council the PSP shall advise and assist with formulating any proposals to acquire a title interest in any relevant Third Party Land. If so requested by the Council the PSP shall then take the lead on negotiating commercial terms for the acquisition by the Council of the relevant Third Party Land. For the purposes of this notice, the entire value and contract duration of all sites described above have been included, for completeness please refer to the breakdown below: Total contract range as described above £350,000,000 - £550,000,000 This is made up of the following Core Sites £150,000,000 to £250,000,000 Additional Opportunity Sites £150,000,000 to £200,000,000 Third Party Land £50,000,000 to £100,000,000 Total contract duration - 25 years (300 months) Initial duration - 15 years (180 months) with an optional 10 year (120 month) extension at the discretion of the Council.

CPV Codes

  • 45000000 - Construction work
  • 70000000 - Real estate services
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 71530000 - Construction consultancy services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

Procurement documents must be accessed through the Council's e-tendering portal. The Chest/Proactis www.the-chest.org.uk. Project reference DN 620783. All communications must also be directed via this portal.

