Healthy Lives Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle Category 3&4

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
4 year
07 Jul 2022
01 Apr 2023 to 01 Apr 2027
08 Aug 2022 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
London Borough of Newham
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Newham Council would like local voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) organisations to help us deliver against the priorities set out in the '50 Steps to a Healthier Newham' Health & Wellbeing Strategy. To enable more organisations to participate in commissioning opportunities related to health and wellbeing - especially smaller organisations - the Council has developed a light touch Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle (DPV). The DPV is a procurement 'vehicle' that should allow Newham Council to commission a whole range of services over the next ten years. The Healthier Lives DPV is open to all members of the north east London Integrated Care System (ICS). All providers registered on the DPV will also need to meet the service quality standards set out in the Contract General Terms and Conditions. The Healthy Lives Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle (DPV) has four separate Categories: 1. Specialist smoking cessation 2. All-age specialist weight management and movement service 3. Community projects for health and wellbeing 4. Addressing resource inequality It is hoped that local VCFS organisations will register for Categories 3 and 4 - and these are the categories for which the following guidance applies.

Total Quantity or Scope

Notice Admission to Categories 3 and 4 of the Healthier Lives Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle … How it works There are two stages to providing services on the DPV: 1. Registration (or 'on-boarding') - This is the first step taking place in July 2022 2. Mini competition (i.e. bidding for a specific service within the DPV) For each Category, there will be a 'registration' phase followed by one or more 'mini competition' phases. Registering onto the Healthy Lives DPV Time to complete registration stage: Approximately one hour Registration is the process by which the Council collects the data needed to undertake due diligence on potential providers, i.e. checks to ensure that providers are financially secure and able to safely deliver services to a high standard. Registration is also an opportunity to discover whether the provider has the right accreditation and experience to deliver the service. Successful registration is based primarily on whether or not the required information has or has not been provided. For the Healthy Lives DPV, there are short questions related to relevant experience that will be 'scored' (e.g. with Yes/No or Pass/Fail). Call-off contract and Agreement will be shared at this stage for provider's information only, providers DO NOT need to complete them at this stage. By registering on the DPV, providers are not obligated to bid for services at the mini competition stage. The process of registration could take up to one hour to complete and requires information about you and your organisation. To support this, we have included a checklist of documents/information needed to make this as easy as possible (see below). The Fusion platform is secure, and you will be able to save and return to complete your registration if needed. It is important to be aware that the Fusion platform will timeout after 10 minutes of inactivity, so we encourage you to save your work regularly. Full service specifications for Category 3 and 4 are not available to view at registration stage, but all the core information relevant to a service specification is included in the Appendices of the document titled 'Healthy Lives DPV_ Cat 3 & 4_ Minimum Quality and Business Admin Standards'. We think that this should give providers enough of a sense of what is required in order to decide whether or not they want to register on the Healthy Lives DPV. If a provider has a question or requires clarification on any point, then queries can be directed to commissioners via the Fusion portal. All queries and replies will be made public to all bidders for the purpose of transparency. When can you register? For Categories 3 and 4, providers can register between w/c 4 July 2022 and w/c 05 August 2022. The deadline for clarification questions is w/c 1 August 2022. Compliance checks and evaluation window for Round 1 registration will be carried out throughout August and September. When will you know whether you have been successful? Results of the registration phase for Categories 3 and 4 will be communicated to providers in writing (i.e. a letter sent via email) by October 2022. Once successful, organisations will have access to the DPV via Fusion (or future equivalent system) for approximately 10 years. The Healthier Lives DPV will be opened up for new registrations approximately once per year (exact timeline TBC). Mini competitions Once providers for Category 3 and 4 are registered onto the DPV then 'mini competitions' can be undertaken. Mini competition refers to the "bid writing" stage, where providers submit tenders to win the contract outlined in the service specification. Full service specifications will be published in the Invitation to Tender (ITT) pack when the mini competition stage goes live. When do opportunities go live? Timings are indicative and subject to change. If dates slip then commissioners will aim to notify providers in good time. For Category 3, mini competitions are scheduled to start in October 2022. For Category 4, mini competitions are scheduled to start in November 2022. How will you be assessed at mini competition stage? If you decide to bid for a service then your bid will be evaluated via Method Statements; a series of questions that seek to understand how providers would deliver the programme objectives in line with the terms of the service specification. Method Statement questions are part of the 'Invitation to Tender' (ITT) pack. Providers upload their responses to the Method Statements via the Fusion portal. Method Statement questions for Categories 3 and 4 are currently TBC, but there will likely be 5-6 questions for each Category, with responses required of approximately 500 words. Some of the services that Newham Council intends to commission within Category 3 for a start date of 1 April 2023 are listed below, with indicative funding allocations. Please note that additional services will be commissioned under Categories 3 and 4 but these services are currently TBC based on an analysis of need and engagement with residents.

Renewal Options

tbc closer to closing date

CPV Codes

  • 85000000 - Health and social work services


  • This is a recurring contract.
  • Renewals are available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

