RAF Scampton redevelopment

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Notspecified)
10 year
06 Jul 2022
01 Mar 2023 to 30 Apr 2033
08 Aug 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
West Lindsey District Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


West Lindsey District Council (the "Council") is looking to procure, pursuant to a competitive dialogue procurement process (Regulation 30 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, a suitably qualified partner organisation to regenerate and redevelop the site currently known as RAF Scampton (the "Site") The Council have commenced negotiations to acquire the site from the Ministry of Defence (the "MOD"). The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (the "DIO") are managing the disposal on behalf of the MOD and the acquisition remains subject to a number of outstanding conditions. The Council is interested to identify organisations with the capacity and capability to develop a commercial structure in partnership with the Council that maximises the key spatial issues, assets and unique potential of the site. This should include how the regeneration of the site would be comprehensively managed, master planned and delivered. The Council have prepared a set of redevelopment and regeneration objectives that will form the basis of the competitive procedure. These objectives bring together the evidence base which forms the foundation of the emerging Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Opportunity Area Policy for RAF Scampton (reg.19), the results of engagement with the community, feedback and input from key stakeholders and analysis of local, regional and national strategy and policy. The value of the regeneration project will depend upon the land value and the chosen tenderers' proposals for the site but we anticipate that this is expected to have a land value of between £3-5 million and an opportunity for a development of up to £300 million.

CPV Codes

  • 45100000 - Site preparation work
  • 70110000 - Development services of real estate
  • 92522000 - Preservation services of historical sites and buildings
  • 45213111 - Shopping centre construction work
  • 45213300 - Buildings associated with transport
  • 45211350 - Multi-functional buildings construction work
  • 45212140 - Recreation installation
  • 45212170 - Entertainment building construction work
  • 45212300 - Construction work for art and cultural buildings
  • 45212310 - Construction work for buildings relating to exhibitions
  • 45212313 - Museum construction work
  • 45212314 - Historical monument or memorial construction work
  • 45212350 - Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest
  • 45212400 - Accommodation and restaurant buildings
  • 45212411 - Hotel construction work
  • 45212421 - Restaurant construction work
  • 45213110 - Shop buildings construction work
  • 45214600 - Construction work for research buildings
  • 45235200 - Runway construction works
  • 45213100 - Construction work for commercial buildings
  • 45213112 - Shop units construction work
  • 45213252 - Workshops construction work
  • 45235110 - Construction work for airfields
  • 45235111 - Airfield pavement construction work
  • 45235210 - Runway resurfacing
  • 45235300 - Construction work for aircraft-manoeuvring surfaces
  • 45235311 - Taxiway pavement construction work
  • 45235320 - Construction work for aircraft aprons
  • 45235310 - Taxiway construction work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.
  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

For support on the documents and the procurement process please contact Stuart.allen@cadenceinnova.com The initial documents are available to view on the EastMids Tenders website (https://procontract.due-north.com/Opportunities) using keyword 'Scampton' against organisation West Lindsey District Council. Bidders are required to submit their tenders by noon on 8th August 2022. Full details of the Council's objectives are set out in the documents that accompany this contract notice and are available to view and download also on this site The Council's key objectives for regeneration are: a. Comprehensive redevelopment based upon a sympathetic masterplan to manage and regenerate the entirety of the site; b. a viable and deliverable redevelopment; c. placing community engagement at the heart of the redevelopment plan; d. protecting and enhancing the site's heritage and historic importance using the past as a blue print for the future; e. maximising economic benefit to West Lindsey, Lincolnshire and the UK; f. understanding the potential for ongoing use of the protected airspace; g. meeting needs of current and future communities; h. delivering fit-for-the-future on-site infrastructure; i. securing investment in the site and working with key stakeholders to deliver added value; j. delivering integrated sustainable travel opportunities through, to and from the site; k. contributing positively to the Net Zero Carbon agenda; l. contributing positively to improvements in Biodiversity Net Gain across the site; and m. establishing a sustainable commercial structure that provides long-term benefit to West Lindsey and its residents. It is expected that the successful bidder will enter into an agreement with the Council for an initial term of five years that may be extended by two years followed by a second extension of up to three years. Any extensions to the term of the agreement will be at the Council's sole discretion and will depend upon delivery and performance against the key strategic objectives as set out above. This final award is intended to cover the initial value and scope of the project together with any increases in the scale of the project as a result of additional investment being secured. Interested organisations should use this information to aid their estimation of the likely project value.

