Court Reporting & Transcription (CRT) Services
A Prior Information Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Future Contract (Services)
- Duration
- not specified
- Value
- 21M
- Sector
- Published
- 01 Jun 2022
- Delivery
- not specified
- Deadline
- n/a

1 buyer
- Ministry of Justice London
The Ministry of Justice (hereafter the Authority) intends to run a competition for the procurement of Court Reporting and Transcription Services (CRT) on behalf of HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS). The Authority is legally required to record Court proceedings across England and Wales and where requested, produce official transcripts from these hearings. The transcripts are used as evidence in appeals, legal publishing for public interest and form part of case law. It is the intention that the following transcription services will be procured under a framework agreement: 1. Off-site Transcription Services (OTS) which involves the Court recordings being sent to the relevant supplier where they produce the transcription services based on the contracted service level timeframe. 2. Attendance-based Transcription Services (ATS) comprises stenographers or loggers attending the Court proceeding and then later producing the transcript to the contracted timescales. 3. Real-time Transcription Services (RTS) involves temporarily supplying equipment and production of near-instantaneous transcriptions of proceedings on site.
Lot Division
1 | Off-site Transcription Services (OTS) OTS involves the production of high volumes of low-value transcripts away from the court, hearing centre or venue, using a recording provided by the court. The supplier is responsible for producing the transcripts in line with HMCTS' rules, including the application of reporting restrictions (anonymisation) and the collection of relevant approvals and permissions. Services are provided based on agreed service bandings and capped units referred to as folios (72 words). OTS is split into three distinct areas, Crown Court transcription, HMCTS Approved Transcription Panel (ATP) and Ministry of Defence (MoD): a. Crown Courts contracts under OTS are contracted via Regional lots. Audio is recorded using a dedicated Digital Audio Recording, Transfer and Storage system (DARTS) and stored on the DARTS online portal for supplier access. Requestors are limited to one specific supplier based on the location of the hearing. b. ATP covers Civil & Family Courts and Tribunals. The ATP works on a panel basis where requestors can choose from any of the four suppliers. Audio is recorded using various Digital Audio Recording (DAR) formats after which audio is either downloaded onto physical media and posted to the relevant supplier or uploaded onto the relevant supplier’s portal. c. MoD covers Military Courts. Audio will be recorded and the transcript requests will be issued directly from MoD personnel. |
2 | Attendance-based transcription services (ATS) Crime and Real-time transcription services (RTS) ATS Crime - Services comprise of stenographers (skilled professionals utilising stenotype machines) attending hearings to make a record of proceedings to supplement court recording in order to produce a transcript within the stipulated timescales. These services are primarily required in the Court of Appeal Crime Division located within the Royal Courts of Justice (RCJ). RTS: The provision of near instantaneous transcription services which usually involves a stenographer attending the court proceeding and inputs a real-time record of the hearing. Editors, either based remotely or on site, will assist in the production of a ‘stream’, which would appear on screens in the courtroom, laptops and media feeds. RTS also includes the supplier providing the specialised equipment required for the necessary timescales. |
3 | Attendance-based Transcription Services (ATS) – Civil, Family and Tribunals 1. Services comprise of loggers attending hearings to make a note of proceedings to supplement court recording in order to produce a transcript within the stipulated timescales. These services are primarily required in the Civil Appeals Court and Administrative Courts located within the RCJ and The Rolls Building. 2. The Lot also include the provision of limited on-site transcription, in the form of a “sensitive case service”, where supplier personnel with appropriate level of security clearance attend the secure hub located at either the Field House (Central London) or the RCJ to produce a transcript on site. 3. In addition to Civil jurisdictions, the ATS service also includes specialist jurisdictions such as the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), the Proscribed Organisations Appeals Commission (POAC) and PAAC (Pathogens Access Appeals Commission). |
CPV Codes
- 75231100 - Law-courts-related administrative services
- 75130000 - Supporting services for the government
- 75231000 - Judicial services
- 79996100 - Records management
- Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
Other Information
The contracting authorities within the scope of this notice are: - The Ministry of Justice; Executive agencies of the Ministry of Justice, Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service, the Legal Aid Agency, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and the Office of the Public Guardian; Non-departmental public bodies of the Ministry of Justice, including but not limited to the Youth Justice Board, the Parole Board, the Judicial Appointments Commission, the Sentencing Council and Independent Monitoring Boards; - The Ministry of Defence - Department of Work & Pensions - Competition and Markets Authority - Police and Crime Commissioners and their forces; - Law enforcement agencies and forces; - Crown Prosecution Service; - National Archives; - Legal Ombudsman for England and Wales; - HM Inspectorate of Prisons; - HM Inspectorate of Probation; - Victims' Commissioner; - Official Solicitor and Public Trustee; - Other public-sector bodies including local authorities The anticipated term of the framework will be four years (at the discretion of the MOJ). The MoJ reserves the right to amend or remove part or all of the information prior to full Find a Tender service (FTS) advertisement, and nothing within this notice constitutes any guarantee or binding statement on behalf of the MoJ. Further details of the services will be set out in the procurement documents.
- FTS 015313-2022