ASM001-418 Technical Consultancy Services Framework

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
4 year
30 May 2022
To 11 Jul 2026 (est.)
11 Jul 2022 12:00




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers
Wheatley Housing Group
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 buyers


It is anticipated the tender opportunity will be a Multi-Lot Framework Agreement comprising of the following 11 lots however the Wheatley Group reserve the right to amend. Lot 1 Masterplanner Lot 2 Architect Lot 3 Landscape Architect Lot 4 Structural & Civil Engineer Lot 5 Mechanical & Electrical Engineer Lot 6 Quantity Surveyor & Employers Agent Lot 7 Multi-disciplinary Design Team Lot 8 CDM Advisor Lot 9 Clerk of Works Lot 10 Energy Advisor Lot 11 Planning Consultant

Lot Division

1 Masterplanner

This Lot seeks suitably qualified and experienced consultants to provide Masterplanning services in line with RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages 0-3. Masterplans will be housing-led but consider all aspects of successful and sustainable placemaking, incorporating mixed uses and housing tenures. There will be a particular focus on community engagement and co-creation. Projects will range in size, scale and type. Projects will be located in a range of urban, suburban and rural locations, including within existing, growth and regeneration contexts.

2 Architect

This Lot seeks suitably qualified architectural practices to provide Architectural services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas. The Lot also seeks the provision of Principal Designer service where the bidder can demonstrate the necessary competence and experience to deliver this role under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

3 Landscape Architect

This Lot seeks suitably qualified landscape architecture practices to provide Landscape Architecture services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas.

4 Structural & Civil Engineer

This Lot seeks suitably qualified civil and structural engineering practices to provide Civil and Structural Engineering services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas. The Lot also seeks the provision of Principal Designer service where the bidder can demonstrate the necessary competence and experience to deliver this role under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

5 Mechanical & Electrical Engineer
  • Value: £6M

This Lot seeks suitably qualified Mechanical and Electrical Engineering practices to provide Mechanical and Electrical Engineering services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs.

6 Quantity Surveyor & Employers Agent

This Lot seeks suitably qualified Surveying practices to provide Quantity Surveying and Employer’s Agent services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas.

7 Multi-Disciplinary Design Team

This Lot seeks suitably qualified architectural practices to provide Lead Consultant and Architectural services and assemble, lead and manage a design team including Civil and Structural Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Employer’s Agent services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas. The Lot also seeks the provision of Principal Designer service where the bidder can demonstrate the necessary competence and experience to deliver this role under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

8 CDM Advisor

This Lot seeks suitably qualified CDM Advisor to provide Construction Design and Management Advisory services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will

9 Clerk of Works

This Lot seeks suitably qualified Clerk of Works practices to provide Clerk of Works services through all RIBA Plan of Work 2013 stages, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas

10 Energy Advisor

This lot seeks to appoint suitably qualified Energy and Sustainability Consultant Practices, herein referred to as the ‘Consultant,’ for the provision of approved certifier of design (Section 6 - Energy) Domestic and/or non-domestic. In addition, services will include the provision of Options Appraisal, SAP calculations for Building Regulations and the production of Energy Performance Certificates from a Government-approved accreditation scheme.

11 Planning Consultant

This Lot seeks three suitably qualified Planning practices to provide Planning services through the planning process, principally for the delivery of new build housing across all affordable tenures but with potential to include rehabilitation of existing properties, extensions, adaptations and planned maintenance, community facilities, commercial space and office space. Projects will range in size, tenure and type; principally delivering mainstream affordable housing (houses and flats) but with potential to include for particular needs. Projects will range in location including urban, suburban and rural contexts and existing, growth and regeneration areas.

Award Criteria

Quality 60.0
PRICE 40.0

CPV Codes

  • 71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
  • 71251000 - Architectural and building-surveying services
  • 71410000 - Urban planning services
  • 71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services
  • 71356400 - Technical planning services
  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 71200000 - Architectural and related services
  • 71220000 - Architectural design services
  • 71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
  • 71222000 - Architectural services for outdoor areas
  • 71223000 - Architectural services for building extensions
  • 71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
  • 71311100 - Civil engineering support services
  • 71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
  • 71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services
  • 71333000 - Mechanical engineering services
  • 45315100 - Electrical engineering installation works
  • 71324000 - Quantity surveying services
  • 71315300 - Building surveying services
  • 71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services
  • 71322100 - Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works
  • 71320000 - Engineering design services
  • 71242000 - Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
  • 71317200 - Health and safety services
  • 71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
  • 71315400 - Building-inspection services
  • 71631300 - Technical building-inspection services
  • 71631400 - Technical inspection services of engineering structures
  • 71314200 - Energy-management services
  • 71314000 - Energy and related services
  • 71314300 - Energy-efficiency consultancy services


  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.
  • Award on basis of price.

Other Information

This Framework will be procured on behalf of the Wheatley Group and its current subsidiaries. Any additional subsidiary companies of the Group that may be added during the period of the Framework will have the ability to also utilise this Framework Agreement. The duration of this Framework will be 36 months with the option to extend by a period of 12 months at the sole discretion of the Wheatley Group. The Group reserves the right to call-off from the framework, on behalf of other organisations that it is in partnership with while delivering on joint projects. One SPD must be completed and be specific to each lot tendered. Ensure that the lot tendered is stated on the SPD Question 2A.18. Documents attached to this Notice: 1) Instruction to Tenderers - Stage 1 & Stage 2 - For instruction only [Mandatory read] 2)Appendix I - Single Procurement Document(SPD) - Stage 1 -[Mandatory completion][Scored basis] 3) Appendix II - Scope of Service Documents - Stage 1 & Stage 2 - For Information only [Mandatory read] 4) Appendix II - Community Benefits - Stage 1 & 2 - For Information - only [Mandatory read] 5) Appendix IV - Health and Safety Questionnaire - Stage 2 - [Mandatory completion] [Pass/Fail basis] 6) Appendix V - Rate Card - Stage 2 [Mandatory completion] [Scored basis] 7) Appendix VI - Terms & Conditions Document - Stage 2 [Mandatory sign-off] 8) Appendix VII - Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Document -Information Only NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: 1) Employability - A School Visit to undertake career development / mock interviews (half day); - Work experience of a minimum of 5 days for unemployed person (not necessarily young person) located WHG catchment area; - Graduate/student placements; - Apprenticeships. 2) Monitoring & Educational Support - Carry out a workshop in a School or Community Centre located WHG catchment area linked to Curriculum for Excellence; - Work placement for a minimum of 5 days for an S3 or S4 pupil in a WHG catchment area School either in Construction or Office based; - Career development/mock interviews/support with CV writing; - Training or support for unemployed person who is having difficulty returning to employment located WHG catchment area. 3) Community & Priority Group Social Inclusion and Wellbeing - Donation to the Wheatley Foundation; - Donations to community events as agreed with WHG; - Sponsorship of local community group e.g. local football club etc.; - Community enhancement – resources provided for community facilities (e.g. playgrounds, habitat enhancements, environmental improvements) and initiatives (e.g. energy efficiency); - Participation in the WHG “Meet the Buyer Event” (e.g. having a stand at the event to support SMEs, speaking about your experience of working with the WHG). - Undertake a local area tidy-up campaign; - Support of disadvantaged groups within the WHG catchment areas. 4) As Agreed Between Parties - Any other community benefits accepted as appropriate/applicable by the WHG Procurement Services (SC Ref:694151)

