Flat Roof Refurbishment

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Works)
2 month
27 May 2022
11 Aug 2022 to 13 Oct 2022
17 Jun 2022 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Hythe & Dibden Parish Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Hythe and Dibden Parish Council are seeking two tenders for the refurbishment of a flat roof at the Parish Hall, West street, Hythe, Southampton SO45 6AA. Two types of roofing solution have been selected as being suitable and only manufacturers approved installers of the following types of roofing system will be considered. 1. IKO Felt Roof System 2. MOY Liquid Roof System The successful tenderer will be required to install only one of the above systems. Therefore, tendering contractors do not need to provide a Tender price submission for Option A and Option B, unless they are approved installers for both roof systems. For the IKO Felt Roof System, the contractor must: - be IKO approved/registered for the specified IKO system. - employ persons familiar with the application and installation requirements of the specified waterproofing system and its components. - employ IKO approved installers whom have undertaken and passed the IKO specified system induction programme. - carry a current and valid IKO approved installer card for the IKO Specified waterproofing system that should be less than 3 years old. The names of the IKO approved installers will be provided to IKO at tender return stage to ensure they are current and valid prior to any works being undertaken. For the MOY Liquid Roof System, the contractor must: - an approved and suitably trained MOY Contractor. - ensure that all operatives employed by them are suitably skilled to carry out the works described in MOY specification. The names of the MOY approved installers will be provided to MOY at tender return stage to ensure they are current and valid prior to any works being undertaken. For further information and a copy of the tender document, please contact Sean Spencer sean.spencer@hytheanddibden.gov.uk Telephone 02380 841411 Completed Tenders must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on 17 June 2022 (see tender document for instructions to Tenderers).

CPV Codes

  • 45450000 - Other building completion work


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

- Tender Documents Launched 27th May 2022 - Contractor Site Visits Tender Period - Tenders returned (By Noon on) 17th June 2022 - Tender Review 20th June 2022 until 4th July 2022 - Council Review/Approvals up to 27th July 2022 - Purchase Order Issued 28th July 2022 - Contractor Lead In 2-weeks - Start on site 11th August 2022

