A Tender Notice

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Dps (Services)
8 year
26 May 2022
27 May 2022 to 24 May 2030
24 May 2030 23:59




Geochart for 3 buyers and 0 suppliers
Hull City Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

3 buyers


Kingston upon Hull City Council (the Authority) is seeking providers to supply & deliver Learning & Training services to the Authority. Other Contracting Authorities (as defined within Public Contract Regulations 2015), within the East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire and North Yorkshire regions, may access this DPS. The Authority intends to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) that will be administered through the YORtender (Mercell) portal for the provision of Learning & Training services. The length of contracts will be governed by the individual needs of the service user. Suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime. We anticipate the launch of the DPS to be at the end of May 2022. The Learning and Training Services DPS Agreement will provide the Authority with the opportunity to procure a range of services within the scope of learning and training. And will be split into 18 different Categories, which are listed within this notice.

Lot Division


Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

1 Category 1. Public Health, Public Services and Care

1. Public Health, Public Services and Care This category encompasses training related to Public Healthcare, Adult and Children social care, and Child well being and development matters, which shall include training requirements related to illnesses and connected diseases, as well as training related to fostering, safeguarding of children, development disabilities and specific training related to Adult/Children assessment needs. This category also includes subjects and vocations allied to medicine and nutrition. Other Public Health training requirements include related Trading standards and environmental health training. The Public Service element of this category includes training related to emergency services, and specific training related to mail. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

2 Category 2. Science and Mathematics

Science & Mathematics This category relates to any training connected to the sciences and related research, as well as training linked to Mathematics and statistics, including statistical analysis. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

3 Category 3. Agriculture, Horticulture and Environmental Conservation

Agriculture, Horticulture and Environmental Conservation This category is associated to Agriculture, Horticulture and forestry and Environmental Conservation training. And shall cover training related to parks and greenspaces, landscaping and trees, and animals as well as climate & environment issues including waste management, pollution control, climate change and sustainability, including relevant ISO certification qualifications training Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

4 Category 4. Engineering, Manufacturing Technologies and Vehicle Operations

Engineering, Manufacturing Technologies and Vehicle operations This category encompasses all training requirements related to the Engineering and Manufacturing sector, including mechanical. Civil, electrical and electronic engineering, with specific training related to roads, transport, highways and traffic management, as well as training related to HGV and industrial vehicle operations and driving. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

5 Category 5. Construction, Planning and the Built Environment

Construction, Planning and the Built Environment This category covers all training related to building, construction and the built environment, and includes training related to architecture, surveyor related training and courses designed for housing officers/inspectors to identify defects within households. The category also covers safety standard training within the Construction & maintenance industry. Urban, regional and town planning related training also sits upon this category. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

6 Category 6. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) This category includes all training related to Information and Communication Technology, including all ICT practitioner training, such as web design, computer building, configuring switches, network security, system analysis and computing science. The category also includes ICT for users training and covers training for applications and specialist systems. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

7 Category 7. Retail and Commercial Enterprise

Retail and Commercial Enterprise This category encompasses any training related to retail, warehousing and distribution, service enterprises and hospitality and catering. The category also includes food hygiene and safety, and allergens and dietary training. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

8 Category 8. Leisure, Travel and Tourism

Leisure, Travel and Tourism This category includes all training related to sports, leisure and recreation, including sports & leisure coaching, lifeguarding and active healthy living related training. The category also includes maintenance and equipment operation training for swimming pools and ice arenas. Any theatrical equipment and effects training requirements are also included within the category. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

9 Category 9. Arts, Media and Publishing

Arts, Media and Publishing This category includes all training requirements in relation to museums, culture, events and creative and performing arts. The category also encapsulates media and marketing training needs, including social media, publishing and communications. The category also includes any Library and Information services training. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

10 Category 10. History, Philosophy and Theology

History, Philosophy and Theology This category relates to any training related to history, archaeology and archaeological sciences, philosophy, theology or religious studies. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

11 Category 11. Social Sciences

Social Sciences This category relates to any training related to Geography, Sociology and social policy, Politics, Economics and Anthropology. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

12 Category 12. Languages, Literature and Culture

Languages, Literature and Culture This category relates to any training related to Languages, Literature, Culture and Linguistics. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

13 Category 13. Education and Training

Education and Training This category includes all training requirements in relation to Teaching and lecturing and Direct learning support. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

14 Category 14. Preparation for Life and work

Preparation for Life and work This category includes training related to Foundations for learning and life, preparation for work and personal skills development. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

15 Category 15. Business, Administration, Finance and Law

15. Business, Administration, Finance and Law This Category encompasses training related to Business, Administration, Finance and Law. Which shall include any training requirements related to Accounting and Finance, as well as any training associated to Administration roles. The category also covers Business Management and includes Leadership and Management training along with Programme and Change Management and Project and Risk Management related training. Any training related to Law, Legal Services, Contracting, Auditing and Procurement is also included within this category. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

16 Category 16. Health and Safety

Health and Safety This category covers training associated to Health and Safety and includes training relevant to Mental health and Occupational health and safety, and health and safety within the workplace (i.e., first aid, manual handling & lifting). Please note this category does not include safety standard training within the Construction & maintenance industry, this training is covered within category 5 (Construction, Planning and the Built Environment).

17 Category 17. Housing

Housing This category encompasses all Charted Institute of Housing qualifications and training, and any training related to sheltered accommodation, homelessness, hoarding and rent arrears. Please note this category does not include training related to housing officers/inspectors identifying defects within households this is covered within category 5 (Construction, Planning and the Built Environment). Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

18 Category 18. Bespoke/Niche Training

The bespoke/Niche training category fulfils any training that does not lie within Categories 1-17. Organisations accepted on to the DPS will be invited (via categories) to Further competitions throughout the lifetime of the DPS. Suppliers will bid against individual training requirements. The evaluation will be based on which proposal best meets the needs and shall utilise a Quality/Price evaluation criteria to select the successful Supplier.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 80300000 - Higher education services
  • 80310000 - Youth education services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services
  • 80430000 - Adult-education services at university level
  • 80500000 - Training services


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.
  • It is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for many bidders.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

The procurement bid pack and registration details can be accessed via the following URL address: https://uk.eu-supply.com. We anticipate initial evaluations of the Selection Questionnaire to set up the DPS will be completed early July 2022. Once the first further competition has been advertised applications to join the DPS will be evaluated in the normal 10 day period.

