Heating Servicing, Repairs and New Installation Works

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
9 year
26 May 2022
To 27 Jun 2031 (est.)
27 Jun 2022 15:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Radius Housing Association
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Contracting Authority, Radius Housing Association Ltd owns and manages nearly 13,000 general needs, sheltered and supported housing schemes in and around Northern Ireland. Their mission is to create strong and sustainable communities where people flourish and they are committed to making a positive difference to peoples' lives. The quality of the works they provide is therefore of paramount importance in ensuring customer safety and customer satisfaction in the services to be delivered. Radius Housing are seeking to appoint Providers to deliver the works for heating servicing, repairs and new installation works to the highest possible standards and who have a proven track record in the delivery of these services. The successful Contractors must be able to show a commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money and demonstrate a commitment to addressing social inclusion. The Contract will be for an an initial 3 years commencing on or about the 1st October 2022 with an option for three further extensions each of 2 years up to a maximum of 9 years

Lot Division

1 North West
  • Value: £10M

Radius Housing is seeking to appoint a Contractors to provide heating servicing, repairs and installation works to their various dwellings, estates and schemes located in Northern Ireland. The total portfolio comprises general needs, sheltered and supported schemes. The heating servicing, repairs and installation works to 2,657 domestic installations and 56 communal installations includes but is not limited to the inspection, servicing, testing and certification of domestic and communal gas and oil boiler installations and microgeneration appliances breakdown callouts, repairs and maintenance to domestic and communal gas and oil central heating installations including electric heating and microgeneration appliances and installations, renewal of domestic and communal gas and oil boilers, pumps, controls etc., and new or renewal central heating installations. Radius Housing reserves the right to add additional services of a similar nature throughout the duration of the Contract, subject to the terms of Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (as amended). Units and schemes may be added or deleted from the housing stock both prior to tender and during the contract period in accordance with Radius Housing's development and acquisitions/disposals programmes. The Contractors must be able to show a commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money. The proposed initial contract period will be 3 years commencing on or about 1st October 2022, with an option at Radius Housing's sole discretion to extend the service period by 3 further periods, each of 2 years up to a maximum total duration of 9 years. The contract will be subject to provisions for earlier termination including a break clause, and annual renewals based on meeting and maintaining Key Performance Indicators. The Contractor will be required to provide a customer focused service and show commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money to Radius Housing and their residents and must be responsive to achieve collaborative working practices, innovation and continuous improvement, The works to certain properties denoted as 'Legacy Fold' will not commence till the 1st April 2023. The Contract will be based on a NEC3 Term Service Contract April 2013 incorporating aspects of the M3NHF Schedule of Rates Documentation: Gas Appliance Servicing and Maintenance with additional sections for Communal Mechanical and Electrical Version 7.2 Schedule of Rates, Technical Specification and Price Framework Rules. Radius Housing cannot guarantee the extent or value of any works that may be awarded to the Contractor.

2 South
  • Value: £10M

Radius Housing is seeking to appoint a Contractors to provide heating servicing, repairs and installation works to their various dwellings, estates and schemes located in Northern Ireland. The total portfolio comprises general needs, sheltered and supported schemes. The heating servicing, repairs and installation works to 3,256 domestic installations and 45 communal installations includes but is not limited to the inspection, servicing, testing and certification of domestic and communal gas and oil boiler installations and microgeneration appliances breakdown callouts, repairs and maintenance to domestic and communal gas and oil central heating installations including electric heating and microgeneration appliances and installations, renewal of domestic and communal gas and oil boilers, pumps, controls etc., and new or renewal central heating installations. Radius Housing reserves the right to add additional services of a similar nature throughout the duration of the Contract, subject to the terms of Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (as amended). Units and schemes may be added or deleted from the housing stock both prior to tender and during the contract period in accordance with Radius Housing's development and acquisitions/disposals programmes. The Contractors must be able to show a commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money. The proposed initial contract period will be 3 years commencing on or about 1st October 2022, with an option at Radius Housing's sole discretion to extend the service period by 3 further periods, each of 2 years up to a maximum total duration of 9 years. The contract will be subject to provisions for earlier termination including a break clause, and annual renewals based on meeting and maintaining Key Performance Indicators. The Contractor will be required to provide a customer focused service and show commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money to Radius Housing and their residents and must be responsive to achieve collaborative working practices, innovation and continuous improvement, The works to certain properties denoted as 'Legacy Fold' will not commence till the 1st April 2023. The Contract will be based on a NEC3 Term Service Contract April 2013 incorporating aspects of the M3NHF Schedule of Rates Documentation: Gas Appliance Servicing and Maintenance with additional sections for Communal Mechanical and Electrical Version 7.2 Schedule of Rates, Technical Specification and Price Framework Rules. Radius Housing cannot guarantee the extent or value of any works that may be awarded to the Contractor.

3 Belfast
  • Value: £10M

Radius Housing is seeking to appoint a Contractors to provide heating servicing, repairs and installation works to their various dwellings, estates and schemes located in Northern Ireland. The total portfolio comprises general needs, sheltered and supported schemes. The heating servicing, repairs and installation works to 3,569 domestic installations and 40 communal installations includes but is not limited to the inspection, servicing, testing and certification of domestic and communal gas and oil boiler installations and microgeneration appliances breakdown callouts, repairs and maintenance to domestic and communal gas and oil central heating installations including electric heating and microgeneration appliances and installations, renewal of domestic and communal gas and oil boilers, pumps, controls etc., and new or renewal central heating installations. Radius Housing reserves the right to add additional services of a similar nature throughout the duration of the Contract, subject to the terms of Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (as amended). Units and schemes may be added or deleted from the housing stock both prior to tender and during the contract period in accordance with Radius Housing's development and acquisitions/disposals programmes. The Contractors must be able to show a commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money. The proposed initial contract period will be 3 years commencing on or about 1st October 2022, with an option at Radius Housing's sole discretion to extend the service period by 3 further periods, each of 2 years up to a maximum total duration of 9 years. The contract will be subject to provisions for earlier termination including a break clause, and annual renewals based on meeting and maintaining Key Performance Indicators. The Contractor will be required to provide a customer focused service and show commitment to providing effective services that provide value for money to Radius Housing and their residents and must be responsive to achieve collaborative working practices, innovation and continuous improvement, The works to certain properties denoted as 'Legacy Fold' will not commence till the 1st April 2023. The Contract will be based on a NEC3 Term Service Contract April 2013 incorporating aspects of the M3NHF Schedule of Rates Documentation: Gas Appliance Servicing and Maintenance with additional sections for Communal Mechanical and Electrical Version 7.2 Schedule of Rates, Technical Specification and Price Framework Rules. Radius Housing cannot guarantee the extent or value of any works that may be awarded to the Contractor.

CPV Codes

  • 50720000 - Repair and maintenance services of central heating
  • 45331000 - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
  • 50510000 - Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers
  • 50710000 - Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
  • 50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

All documentation can be downloaded from https://etenders.rand-associates.co.uk, etenders@rand is Rand Associates Consultancy Services Ltd's e-procurement portal (the "Portal") for downloading/submission of Procurement and Tender documentation and communicating requests for and responses to clarification. All requests for Procurement documentation, communications and submission of Tenders must be made via the Portal, which can be accessed at https://etenders.rand-associates.co.uk. After creating an account on etenders@Rand, users will receive an email with a link to activate their account. Once activated and logged in , users will need the following code to register for their Tender Documentation: RADHTG1 Bidders may seek clarification where they consider any part of the documentation or any other aspect of this procurement is unclear. All queries and any clarification must be communicated using the secure email messaging function within the Portal, but to be received no later than 17:00 on 20th June 2022. This will provide an audit trail of all clarification requests and responses issued. It will not be possible to respond to any queries received after that stipulated date and time. It is the Bidder's responsibility to regularly monitor communications raised and issued through the Portal. Response to requests for clarification will be communicated by Rand Associates Consultancy Services Ltd to all economic operators through the Portal secure email messaging system. The identity of the Bidder seeking clarification will not be disclosed to other Bidders. When uploading Tender documentation , Bidders must be aware of any speed limitations of their internet connection, system configuration and general web traffic etc., as these may impact on the time taken to complete the transaction. Uploading of submissions must be completed by the deadline closing date and time. DO NOT wait until too near the closing time on the return date. The closing deadline for uploading completed tender submissions is 27.06.2022 at 15:00. Please note that the Portal will not permit tender submissions to be uploaded after the closing deadline. Tender submissions and supporting documents will be visible to Radius Housing and Rand Associates Consultancy Services Ltd only after the closing deadline. Should Bidders have any queries or experience difficulties with the registration or download/upload system they should contact the eTenders@Rand helpdesk by sending an email to eTenders@rand-associates.co.uk. Radius Housing reserve the right not to award any contract pursuant to this procurement exercise and/or to abandon this procurement exercise at any time and/or to award a contract for part of the works at its sole discretion. Radius Housing shall have no liability whatsoever to any applicant or tenderer as a result of its exercise of that discretion. For the avoidance of doubt , all costs incurred by any applicant and/or tenderer before signature of any contract with Radius Housing shall be incurred entirely at that applicants/tenderer's risk. The subject matter of the contract has been scoped to take into account the priorities of Radius Housing relating to economic, social and environmental well-being. These are described in the Procurement Documents. Radius Housing reserves the right to procure similar or identical works outside of the proposed Contract. A Contract will not be binding until it has been signed and dated by authorised representatives of both parties.

