E-Consent Software - Market Engagement

A Pre-Procurement Notice

Contracts Finder
Future Contract ()
not specified
24 May 2022
01 Jan 2001 to 01 Jan 2001
16 Jun 2022 23:59



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust are seeking to engage with suppliers interested in its upcoming requirement for an E-Consent Platform. University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust ("UHB") is one of the UK's largest NHS Trusts that runs the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham Chest Clinic, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope Hospital, Solihull Hospital and various community services across the region, and is one of the highest performing Health organisations in Europe with a proven international reputation for its quality of care, information technology, clinical education and training and research. The Trust is looking to source a solution from suppliers which replaces the current paper-based ways of working with technological solutions for taking consent from patients prior to examination or treatment electronically. This will aim to reduce pressure on Clinicians; improve operational performance; improve patient outcomes and improve ways of working for staff. Furthermore, in October 2022, UHB will be opening the Ambulatory Care and Diagnostics Centre at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. As this will be a paperless environment, the taking of consent will need to move away from paper forms. Clinicians at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) currently use a paper-based form for taking consent from patients prior to examination or treatment. The form is then placed in paper notes where they are still in use, or uploaded to the electronic paper record (EPR) where this is available. In 2018, before the Covid-19 pandemic in 2018, there were over 100,000 procedures undertaken at UHB hospitals which required consent to be taken. Although this figure has dropped during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is anticipated that this figure will increase again, particularly as UHB addresses the current backlog of patients awaiting procedures. As well as the requirements which are detailed in the direct PQQ link provided, The Trust is also seeking an overview on the management and support that can be provided on an on-going basis from interested suppliers. This exercise is intended to provide potential bidders with the opportunity to review the Authority's Briefing Document and to provide information regarding the services they can offer that could meet these outline requirements. This builds on the Authority's commitment to engage with the market, by sharing information and seeking input from the market to enable us to develop the final specification and determine the appropriate route to market in a fair and transparent manner.

CPV Codes

  • 48311000 - Document management software package
  • 48312000 - Electronic publishing software package
  • 48611000 - Database software package
  • 48612000 - Database-management system
  • 48613000 - Electronic data management (EDM)
  • 48783000 - Content management software package


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

Suppliers wishing to participate in this market engagement exercise and express an interest in this requirement should respond to the questionnaire via the online form on the Bravo Portal by 13:00 on Thursday 16th June 2022. Bravo reference of online form: pqq__28691 - E-Consent Software - Market Engagement Direct link to response form: https://nhs.bravosolution.co.uk/go/848968350180F52DCF75 Link to Bravo Portal https://nhs.bravosolution.co.uk/nhs_collaborative/web/login.html

