Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Skills Programmes

A Prior Information Notice

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Future Contract (Services)
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23 May 2022
not specified



WMCA - West Midlands Combined Authority

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
West Midlands Combined Authority
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


The Adult Education Budget (AEB) for the West Midlands constituent member area was devolved to WMCA for delivery from 1st August 2019. In 2022 additional skills funding has been delegated from the Department of Education (DfE) to the WMCA. This funding comprises of ‘Free Courses For Jobs’ and ‘Technical Bootcamp’ funding. We will also be receiving funding to deliver the Government’s ‘Multiply’ programme – an adult numeracy maths focussed programme funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and in two years’ time we will be commissioning the ‘People and Skills’ element of UKSPF as European Social Fund (ESF) ends again, providing the ability to join up the skills and training offer, reduce duplication and make sure we are reaching those communities most disadvantaged. The DPS will also be utilised to procure service providers for non-funded/ funded (devolved funding or other funding streams) Adult Skills Programmes. exercises The outsourcing exercises will be targeted at securing packages of provision that will include but not be limited to (1) getting residents into employment; (2) up skilling and re skilling residents to respond to the regional economy; (3) creating a good basic education offer up to level 2, including adult numeracy provision, capable of progressing residents to a vocational level 2 (or above) and increase numeracy skills; (4) support our communities by having a community based training offer that engages disadvantaged communities; and (5) provide any other adult skills packages required for the benefit of the West Midlands region. WMCA is proposing to launch a dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for a duration of up to 10 years with a value of approximately £200million, but the range may be subject to change during the course of the DPS. This PIN is to allow WMCA to undertake market engagement in preparation for the procurement process anticipated to commence in July 2022.

Total Quantity or Scope

What is a Dynamic Purchasing System? A dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is a procurement tool that allows suppliers who qualify onto it to subsequently compete for contracts through further competitions. A DPS is a two-stage process. Stage One In the initial set up stage, all suppliers who meet the selection criteria and are not excluded will be qualified onto the DPS. If a supplier is excluded they are not prohibited from re-applying again at a later date once they feel that they are able to meet the selection criteria. During the application process, suppliers can apply to join specific categories within the DPS. Categories reflect (at a high-level) the type of requirement the supplier can provide. Suppliers can apply to join multiple categories within the DPS to reflect their service offering. Unlike framework agreements, suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime. Stage Two Individual contracts are awarded during the second stage. In this stage, the WMCA invites all suppliers on the DPS (or the relevant category within the DPS) to bid for a specific contract or contracts (this is the call-off competition stage). The purpose of a DPS is to streamline procurement for both suppliers and the WMCA; suppliers do not have to demonstrate suitability and capability every time they wish to compete for a contract, and the award of individual call-off contracts can be quicker than under some of the other procurement procedures.

CPV Codes

  • 80000000 - Education and training services
  • 80300000 - Higher education services
  • 80400000 - Adult and other education services
  • 80500000 - Training services


Other Information

How WMCA will engage with the market? WMCA is planning to hold an On Site Market Engagement Event Date – 13th June 2022 Venue: The Exchange, University of Birmingham, Centenary Square, Birmingham Booking Instructions: To register for the event on https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wmca-skills-procurement-adult-education-budget-fr...

