Water Networks - Works and Services

A Utilities Contract Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Works)
8 year
23 May 2022
To 13 Jun 2030 (est.)
13 Jun 2022 16:00




Geochart for 2 buyers and 0 suppliers
Northumbrian Water Group
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NWL are looking for expressions of interest to join our frameworks for Water Network Works and Services in the Northumbrian Water (NW) and Essex and Suffolk (ESW) Operating Areas. The requirement will be split into ten lots as per below. Suppliers are invited to express their interest against one/multiple/all Lots. Lot 1 - FA07-12A Network Improvement (North East) Lot 2 - FA07-12B Backfill and Reinstatement (North East) Lot 3 - FA07-12C Repairs and Maintenance (North East) Lot 4 - FA07-12D Consequential Damage (North East) Lot 5 - FA07-12E Supply Pipe Renewals (Essex) Lot 6 - FA07-12F Repairs and Maintenance (Essex) Lot 7 - FA07-12G Backfill and Reinstatement (Essex) Lot 8 - FA07-12H Provision of Reinstatement Materials and Mobile Plant Hire including Grab Wagons (Essex) Lot 9 - FA07-12I Network Improvements (Essex) Lot 10 - FA07-12J All Workstreams (New Development, Network Improvements, Repairs and Maintenance) (Suffolk) It should be understood that the Client's Direct Labour workforce will undertake some similar activities within the same operational areas as the Contractor in relation to some of the workstreams in scope of this procurement. Further information can be found within the tender documents on NWL's e-tendering platform 'Ariba' . The procurement process will consist of a pre-qualification process to shortlist candidates. Shortlisted candidates will then progress to tender stage and award(s) will be based on the most economically advantageous offer(s) consisting of both quality and cost elements. Please note that it is likely TUPE will apply to some lots. Please see the additional information section to find out how to express an interest.

Lot Division

1 Water Network Improvements (North East)
  • Value: £60M

The works delivered under this Framework includes all elements of maintenance to existing assets, the installation of new development mains and services as well as other new assets, the execution of diversion schemes and other minor infrastructure projects, pertaining to the water distribution network in the Northumbrian Water License Area -Northern Region. The works comprise of the following work classifications: • New Development Mains • Mains Diversions • Network Improvement Works • Growth Schemes / Network Enhancement It is estimated that the value of works will be circa 7,500,000 GBP per annum however no guarantee of work is provided.

2 Water Network Backfill and Reinstatement (North East)
  • Value: £36M

This work is carried out in the Northern operating area and includes, but is not limited to: The backfill, spoil away and first time and second time permanent reinstatement of excavations for Northumbrian Water's Repair and Maintenance workstream. The works comprise of the following work classifications: 1. Backfill 2. Spoil Away 3. Permanent Reinstatement Works. It is estimated that the annual value under this framework will be circa 4 500 000 GBP but there is no guarantee of any work under this framework.

3 Water Network Repairs and Maintenance (North East)
  • Value: £40M

Water Network Services (North), which is part of Northumbrian Water Operations, is required to repair, maintain, enhance and add to the existing clean water network within Northumbrian Water's licence area in the North East of England. The works to be carried out within this contract shall comprise all elements of installation and repairs to pipework, stopcock renewals, external/internal meter installations, hydrants, the repair of burst water mains and minor general maintenance. NWG are looking for the provision of labour gangs (2x man gangs complete with Van and tools) to support the repair and maintenance workstream on the water distribution network. It is envisaged NWG would require up to 15 gangs at any point but any requirement for gangs would be dependent on demand. All materials will be provided free issue by NWG. NWG will provide supervision for the gangs provided. It is estimated that the value of works will be circa 5,000,000 GBP per annum however no guarantee of work is provided.

4 Water Network Consequential Damage
  • Value: £8M

This work is carried out in the Northern operating area and includes, but is not limited to: Consequential Damage which occurs due to major pipe bursts causing significant damage in the immediate area of the water asset failure. This will include the backfill and permanent reinstatement of areas such as highways and carriageways. The works comprise of the following work classifications: 1. Backfill 2. Spoil Away 3. Permanent Reinstatement Works. The estimate annual value of this work is 1 000 000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework.

5 Water Network Supply Pipe Renewals
  • Value: £12M

The majority of this work is for domestic households and involves the replacement of an existing shared common water supply pipe. The work also involves installing the pipe work into the property to connect onto the customer's internal plumbing system. The works cover all of the Essex area and consists of the replacement/repair of communal services to properties for single supplies where possible and like for like where not. The majority of these properties are in terraced blocks where the water supply can be shared by a number of properties and the supply is generally laid in the rear gardens, however also includes customer driven renewals at individual properties. The estimated value of this work is 1,500,000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework.

6 Water Network Repairs and Maintenance (Essex)
  • Value: £5M

This work is carried out in the Essex operating area and includes, but is not limited to: The excavation, pipework, backfill, spoil away and first time permanent reinstatement of excavations for Essex & Suffolk Water's repair and maintenance work stream. The works comprise of the following work classifications: 1. Excavation 2. Pipework, including repairs and maintenance to existing assets, burst mains, new service connections, customer meters (internal and external), small diversions, leakage repairs, single supply pipe repair / renewals (subject to NWG Pipeline Services agreement), boundary boxes and ancillary works such as fire hydrants, street furniture, fittings and stop taps. 3. Backfill, Spoil Away and Permanent Reinstatement Works. The estimated value of this work is 6,800,000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework

7 Water Network Backfill and Reinstatement (Essex)
  • Value: £4M

This work is carried out in the Essex operating area and includes, but is not limited to: The Backfill, Spoil Away and first time permanent reinstatement of excavations for Essex & Suffolk Water's Repair and Maintenance work stream and Network Design & Construction work Stream. The works may comprise of one of, or all of the following work classifications; 1. Backfill 2. Spoil Away 3. Permanent Reinstatement Works The estimated value of this work is 4,600,000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework

8 Water Network Provision of Reinstatement Materials and Mobile Plant hire including Grab Wagons (Essex)
  • Value: £2M

This work is carried out in the Essex operating area and includes, but is not limited to; The supply of grab lorries, including drivers to support urgent and planned works undertaken by Direct Labour and Contractor teams for Essex & Suffolk Water's repair and maintenance work stream. The supply of various plant and operators to support the Water Network Maintenance Network Services teams 24/7 with a two hour response time for call out on urgent works. The supply of various plant and operators to support Network Design & Construction Network. The supply of HAUC Approved recycled GSB (Grade A Type), temporary tarmac, top soil, sharp sand and ballast as well as the collection of the excavated waste for recycling. The aggregate must be certified for all roads and surfaces and deliveries of aggregate and collection of spoil must be made using grab lorries. The estimated value of this work is 2,500,000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework.

9 Water Network Improvements (Essex)
  • Value: £800K

This work is carried out in the Essex Operating area and includes, but is not limited to: The excavation, pipework, backfill, spoil away and first time permanent reinstatement of excavations for Essex and Suffolk's Network Improvements work stream. The works comprise of the following work classifications: 1. Excavation 2. Pipework, including service laying, mains and installation of new service connections as well as other new assets, small diversionary schemes and other minor/major infrastructure projects. 3. Backfill, Spoil Away and Permanent Reinstatement Works. Specifically the works comprises the following works classifications: New Development Mains Located on either green field new development sites, brown field new developments sites or one-off infill sites, the majority of these works include: • New Main Installations - the installation and commissioning of new mains and associated fittings up to 600mm in diameter, to serve new customers. • New Service Installations - either to newly commissioned mains or to existing mains, the installation of new water supply and fire supply services and associated fittings up to and including the new meter chamber. Mains Diversions Associated with new developments whereby off-site works are required to supply the new site, as well as changes to our existing assets to accommodate changes to transport infrastructure, this scope of works varies but generally includes the installation of relatively short lengths of new mains up to 600mm in diameter, the installation of associated fittings, plus the connection into existing mains and commissioning of the works. Major and Minor Infrastructure Works Associated with improvements to our existing water network assets in order to improve the supply to customers, this scope of works varies but generally includes the installation of new mains up to 600mm in diameter, the installation of associated fittings, plus the connection into existing mains and commissioning of the works. The estimated value of this work is 100 000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework.

10 Water Network: All Workstreams (New Development, Network Improvements, Repairs and Maintenance) (Suffolk)
  • Value: £20M

The works to be carried out within this contract shall comprise all elements of installation and repairs to pipework, stopcock renewals, external/internal meter installations, hydrants, etc, the repair of burst water mains and minor general maintenance. This work will be carried out as the requirements arise and will be planned by ESW personnel. In addition to the above network maintenance this contract will include the installation, alterations and diversions of water mains as required by internal and external clients, and water mains installations and renewals as requested under the structural, growth and security of supply schemes. Standby/callout facilities to provide emergency cover for bursts etc are also included in the work. The Contractor will be required to provide a guaranteed standby system for 'out of hours' periods, weekends and public holidays on a Standby/callout basis to provide 'rapid response' emergency cover. The Client provides a 24/7/52 service to maintain the network and support to its customers, the Contractor is expected to meet that commitment also with or without total reliance on emergency cover provisions. The estimated value of this work is 2,500,000 GBP per annum but there is no guarantee of volume under this framework.

Renewal Options

The initial framework term will be four years with the option to extend for up to an additional four years (any number of extensions can be taken up until the framework expiry date)

CPV Codes

  • 45232150 - Works related to water-distribution pipelines
  • 45233251 - Resurfacing works
  • 45233223 - Carriageway resurfacing works
  • 43300000 - Construction machinery and equipment


  • Restrictions apply to the lot award allocation.
  • Bids should cover one or more lots.
  • Bids should cover the whole contract.
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.
  • Performance considerations apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Staff qualifications are relevant.
  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

No work is guaranteed under this framework. All figures provided above are based on the total eight year duration (4 years initial term with the option to extend by up to 4 years) and are estimates and should not be relied upon. We reserve the right to award all part or none of the framework. Applicants are asked to note that this procurement process will be conducted electronically with all documents and communication being managed through the Northumbrian Water e-Sourcing Spend Management portal, "Ariba". Expressions of interest must be sent to the e-mail address AMPS7@nwl.co.uk before the deadline date of Monday 13th June 2022. Once expression of interest has been received containing the details below, applicants will be given access to the Ariba portal within 48 hours from request (where possible). This portal will contain all of the documents associated with this procurement that are available at the time. An email link will also be provided to the email address you provide to access the portal. The deadline for return of the completed Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is the Monday 20th June at 16:00. When sending expression of interests, applicants must provide the following information: 1) Full company name 2) Main contact details of the person who will be given access to the Ariba portal - Name, job title, email address and telephone number 3) Which Lots you are interested in bidding for If you have an existing Ariba account which is already linked to Northumbrian Water, please provide the username and email address.

