Framework Agreement for Architectural Services
A Contract Award Notice
- Source
- Type
- Dps (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year (est.)
- Value
- £40M
- Sector
- Published
- 23 May 2022
- Delivery
- To 23 May 2026 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a

3 buyers
- Catalyst Housing London
18 suppliers
- Weston Williamson London
- Bell Philips London
- Austin Smith Lord Liverpool
- Levitt Bernstein London
- Architype London
- Child Graddon Lewis London
- PRP Architects London
- Conran & Partners London
- Architecture PLB Winchester
- Hawkins Brown London
- Sheppard Robson London
- Pollard Thomas Edwards London
- Maccreanor Lavington London
- Karakusevic Carson Architects London
- CF Moller London
- BPTW London
- John Thompson & Partners Cambridge
- Allies & Morrison London
Catalyst Housing Ltd (The Authority) has a significant development programme, and has a pipeline target of delivering 1,000 homes per year by 2020. The requirements include mainly the provision of new homes including affordable rented accommodation, low cost home ownerships, private sale, mixed tenure schemes and some major refurbishment and regeneration. The critical part of its successful delivery is putting in place a long-term arrangement with a selected number of key partners to better reflect our evolving needs. The Authority is seeking to establish a Framework Agreement for a period of four (4) years for Architectural Services including Landscape Design, Garage Design, Masterplanning and High Density.
Total Quantity or Scope
This procurement is being undertaken by Catalyst Housing Limited on behalf of all members (from time to time) of the Catalyst Housing Group but who currently comprise, Catalyst Charitable Trust, CHL Developments, Vintage Care, Barnet Community Homes, Catalyst by Design Limited, Southall Day Centre Ltd, Catalyst Finance Ltd, Catalyst Developments (Brent) Ltd and Dee Park Developments (Catalyst) Ltd, as well as any successor body of any of the organisations listed, and any subsidiary, subsidiary undertaking, holding company and/or associate (from time to time) of the aforementioned entities and any entity of which the aforementioned entities is a subsidiary, subsidiary undertaking, holding company and/or associate (from time to time), as such terms are defined in Section 1162 of the Companies Act 2006, s271 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and/or Section 15 of the Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1968.The Catalyst Housing Group members will be entitled to rely on the framework agreement and to call-off contracts under the framework agreement directly. In addition, subject to Catalyst’s prior written consent but without any obligation for them to participate, the members of the G15 Housing Group and any registered provider (as listed on the Statutory Register of Providers of Social Housing maintained by the Homes and Communities Agency, available on their website) and listed on the Tenant Services Authority Website: (, Local Authorities and ALMOs operating within the UK shall also be entitled to rely on and call-off contracts under the framework agreement. Suppliers can access the SQ and Tender documents using the following access code: 8XEABG965K
Award Detail
1 | Weston Williamson (London)
2 | Bell Philips (London)
3 | Austin Smith Lord (Liverpool)
4 | Levitt Bernstein (London)
5 | Architype (London)
6 | Child Graddon Lewis (London)
7 | PRP Architects (London)
8 | Conran & Partners (London)
9 | Architecture PLB (Winchester)
10 | Hawkins Brown (London)
11 | Sheppard Robson (London)
12 | Pollard Thomas Edwards (London)
13 | Maccreanor Lavington (London)
14 | Karakusevic Carson Architects (London)
15 | CF Moller (London)
16 | BPTW (London)
17 | John Thompson & Partners (Cambridge)
18 | Allies & Morrison (London)
Award Criteria
Quality | 60.0 |
Cost | 40.0 |
CPV Codes
- 71200000 - Architectural and related services
- 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- 71210000 - Advisory architectural services
- 71220000 - Architectural design services
- 71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
- 71222000 - Architectural services for outdoor areas
- 71223000 - Architectural services for building extensions
- 71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
- 71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services
- 71251000 - Architectural and building-surveying services
- 71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services
- 71420000 - Landscape architectural services
- Award on basis of price and quality.
Other Information
To view this notice, please click here: GO Reference: GO-2022518-PRO-20157448
- OJEU 275617-2022