Dorset Accessible Homes Service including Sight and Hearing Impairment Service
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Find a Tender
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 3 year
- Value
- 28M
- Sector
- Published
- 21 Apr 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Sep 2022 to 31 Aug 2025
- Deadline
- 23 May 2022 11:00
- dorset council
- health and social work
- dorchester
- dorset accessible homes service including sight and hearing impairment service
- impairment service
- adults and housing directorate of dorset council
- dorset accessible homes service
- new dorset accessible home service
- sight and hearing impairment service
- housing directorate of dorset council

2 buyers
- Dorset Council Dorchester
Commissioning of this service is being carried out by the Adults and Housing Directorate of Dorset Council. The Service Provider is expected to work with the Council to achieve its corporate and directorate objectives. The new Dorset Accessible Home Service (DAHS) - including Sight and Hearing Impairment Service, will enable vulnerable older and disabled individuals and disabled children to maintain their independence, health, and well-being for as long as possible in their homes and community. Dorset Council funds the core service. The Disabled Facilities Grant funding comes from the Better Care Fund with some added funding provided by Dorset Universities NHS Foundation Trusts to fund minor adaptations to facilitate hospital discharges. The DAHS service will form the heart of our services for Dorset Council. The aim is to promote independence and prevent the need to support individuals from requiring statutory support services. The strong relationships built with Service Providers enable innovation and creative working to aid in the completion of our strategic aims. Our Dorset Commissioning Intentions • Using a co-production approach: sharing power, working together, ensuring everyone is involved. • Delivering great outcomes through strength-based commissioning • Co-developing services that are flexible, adaptive and responsive to local needs. • Developing strong partnerships • Facing our financial challenges by being ambitious and creative in the way we shape future services. This will mean as a Service Provider you will have to be flexible in your approach and service delivery to help the Council achieve its current targets and any future aims and objectives that we may get directed at us from central Government.
Renewal Options
There are two options to extend at the end of the initial 3-year contract period, of two years each: 01.09.2025 to 31.08.2027 01.09.2027 to 31.08.2029 This makes a potential total contract of seven years.
Award Criteria
Quality | 45.0 |
Social Value | 5.0 |
PRICE | 50.0 |
CPV Codes
- 85000000 - Health and social work services
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- This is a recurring contract.
- Renewals are available.
- Award on basis of price.
- FTS 010402-2022