PRJ1075 - Urgent Treatment Centres - Bromley - Contract notice
A Tender Notice
- Source
- Contracts Finder
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 5 year
- Value
- £0-£54M
- Sector
- Published
- 19 Apr 2022
- Delivery
- 01 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2028
- Deadline
- 10 Jun 2022 12:00

1 buyer
- NHS South East London CCG London
NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (the Authority) is looking to commission Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) Services for the borough of Bromley. There are two UTC sites in Bromley: Beckenham Beacon (BB) and Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH). There will be no division of Services into lots, both UTC Services will be commissioned under a single contract. The vision for the UTC is that patients should expect the same standards of care & Service delivery whatever the time of day and at whichever UTC location across the UK in line with the National UTC Principles & Standards. The Services will be GP-led, multi-disciplinary Services that effectively prevent avoidable A&E attendances and ensure that patients are treated in the most appropriate setting, according to their clinical and wellbeing needs. The successful Bidder will be expected to manage a safe and effective transfer from the existing contract to the new contract, ensuring that there is no deterioration in performance during and following transfer. Once transferred, the successful Bidder will be expected to enter into a journey in partnership with the Authority, the local Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) system to support integration across the system. The contract length will be a maximum of 8 years (5 years with the option to extend by an additional 3 years). It is envisaged that transfer to the successful Bidder, and hence operational commencement of the new contract for Bromley UTCs, will be concluded by 31st March 2023. The expected Service commencement date is 1st April 2023. The Authority wishes to receive responses to the ITT from suitably qualified and experienced Providers with the necessary capacity and capability (or a demonstrable ability to provide the necessary capacity and capability within the requisite timescale, which is notified to Potential Bidders in the ITT) to provide the UTC Services as set out in the ITT, in a safe and effective manner subject to any conditions specified in the Contract or any tender documents issued in connection with the Procurement. In line with national requirements the UTC Services will be available to all patients and residents. This includes those who reside outside of Bromley or any of the south east London boroughs. The contract will include payment for patients resident in, or registered with a GP located in, the six south east London boroughs: Bromley, Bexley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham, and Southwark. Residents outside of the six south east London boroughs are Out of Area (OOA) patients, and the provider will be required to cross-charge to the relevant Authority. Activity data has been provided to show the split of activity by borough and for OOA patients.
CPV Codes
- 85100000 - Health services
- Contract is suitable for SMEs.
- Contract is suitable for VCOs.
Other Information
The Service Specification sets out the Services to be offered by the UTC in further detail. The total affordability ceiling for the initial 5 years of the contract is £33,500,000.00 (£6,700,000 per year). Interested Bidders must access the ITT documentation via the link provided and submit an ITT response via the online questionnaires on the e-Tendering portal 'ProContract' before the submission deadline stipulated. See the procurement documentation (ITT Document 1 - Guidance Document) for more details. Link to portal: All completed bids must be submitted by 12.00 (noon) on 10 June 2022 (any changes to tender submission timelines will be communicated to interested providers via the tender portal). The ITT reference for this tender is PRJ1075. The services in the scope of this procurement fall within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but is instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations(Regulations 74 to 77). The Authority will adopt the Open procedure as a template for this procurement. The tendering process will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and flexibilities provided by Regulations 74 to 76 of the Regulations. The Authority will run a transparent tender process, treating all Bidders equally. Neither the use of the Open Procedure as a template, nor the use of any language or terms found in the Regulations, nor the description of the procedure voluntarily adopted by The Authority nor any other indication, shall be taken to mean that The Authority intends to hold itself bound by the Regulations, save those applicable to services coming within the scope of such as this. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgment of potential service providers. In such circumstances, and in any event, The Authority or its advisors shall not be liable for any costs or loss of expenses whatsoever incurred by the respondent and company, agent, subsidiary or organisation may have contributed to any response submitted to this notice. In line with the proposed Health and Care Bill it is envisaged that CCGs will be abolished and replaced by Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) should this draft legislation be passed. Any reference to South East London CCG as the Authority or the Contracting Authority in this procurement should be interpreted as referring to the ICB (or alternative entity as may be applicable) that will take its place in due course should the Bill become law during the procurement process. This procurement process is being managed by NHS London Shared Services (LSS) on behalf of the Authority. Link to tender portal opportunity
- NELondon001-DN585616-06621030
- CF babeb19a-ddcb-4ee9-ba71-e17ff2675cb5