Homicide Services - 2023 - 2027

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
11 Mar 2022
not specified
06 Apr 2022 11:00



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Ministry of Justice
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


This notice launches the competition for the provision of Homicide Services 2023 - 2027. Homicide Services primary goals are to: Support individuals affected by the Homicide of a loved one, or those who have been an Eyewitness to Homicide, by providing Emotional, Practical, Advocacy, and Peer Support as well as access to other services, tailored according to the individual’s needs to help them cope, and as far as possible, recover from the impact; support individuals residing in England and Wales following a Homicide whether committed at home or abroad (in overseas cases, the Service will provide support where the deceased is a British National). This does not include those bereaved by road traffic crime (other than vehicular murder or manslaughter); receive notifications of Homicide cases from all police forces in England and Wales, the FCDO (in cases involving British Nationals in foreign jurisdictions), self-referrals and from third parties such as other support services and local MPs; help deliver the Authority’s obligations under the Victims’ Code; help achieve the Authority’s strategic objective of swift access to justice by improving support for victims; and help the Authority's work to align with the Prime Minister's objective, through the Crime and Justice Task Force, to significantly increase the proportion of victims who receive support when they want it.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Supplier shall: • Deliver an effective Service for Family Members bereaved by Homicide, and Eyewitnesses of Homicide, by providing caseworkers who offer a full range of Emotional, Practical, Advocacy and Peer Support to help them cope, and as far as possible, recover from the impact; • deliver an effective Service for Children and Young People outside of those defined as Family Members who are affected by, or those who are an Eyewitness to, a Homicide by providing Outreach Support for Children and Young People in the Community, in the immediate aftermath of a Homicide or Major Incident; • ensure an inclusive and accessible Service for all Eligible People, regardless of when the Homicide occurred, and proactively explore ways in which the Service can remove barriers for Eligible People; • ensure Eligible People are able to access the Service free of charge; • deliver support through a combination of face-to-face and digital and remote services, allowing choice in the support provided according to the needs of the User; • offer a consistent level of high quality support across England and Wales, including ensuring access to a translator for other languages as required by each User; • offer targeted support for bereaved Children and Young People, or those who are an Eyewitness to a Homicide, to address the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences; • possess the flexibility, adaptability and resilience to respond to new challenges and changing environments; • ensure all Staff, Volunteers and Sub-Contractors, receive appropriate vetting and training to deliver effective support to Users, including training to support those that have experienced or are experiencing trauma; • ensure support is delivered to Users safely by ensuring all Staff and Volunteers conduct a risk assessment, for example, prior to home visits, or meetings in public spaces such as schools or community centres; • process User information in line with any information sharing obligations required by the Authority, Key Stakeholders and Sub-Contractors, and work closely with the Authority, Key Stakeholders and Sub-Contractors as necessary to consider alternative approaches to data sharing; • work closely with Key Stakeholders and relevant third parties, such as criminal justice agencies and support services, both nationally and locally, to improve engagement and awareness of the Service, and to improve the User experience; and • ensure Staff and Volunteers are able to access Clinical Supervision and support to enable their development and protect their wellbeing and resilience. The anticipated quantity or scope is an estimate of the potential value of the contract and does not in any way guarantee any level of expenditure. The estimated cost range is real in 2022, does not account for inflation and includes any possible future changes to the requirement for services as listed in additional information of this PIN. All values should be considered as indicative only. Further details of the services will be set out in the procurement documents.

CPV Codes

  • 75230000 - Justice services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The services being awarded are listed within Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR) and so pursuant to regulation 74 will be subject to the light regime under which the Authority is not obliged to comply with the full requirements of the PCR. The Authority will conduct an Restricted Procedure and will comply with its obligations of equal treatment, transparency, non-discrimination and proportionality at all times during the procurement. 2. QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT: Details of the objective criteria for selecting those who will be invited to tender and an eventual winning bidder will be set out in the procurement documents. 3. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT Details of the Authority's approach to Economic and Financial assessment will be set out in the procurement documents. 4 AWARD CRITERIA: The award criteria at ITT will be based on the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT), evaluated on a Price per Quality Point (PQP) basis. Variant bids will not be permitted 5.REGISTRATION: The Authority will be performing events through its e-Sourcing Portal known as Jaggaer. The e-Sourcing Portal is an online application that allows all potential suppliers to create and submit their responses to any SQ and tenders via the internet. Bidders Instructions to express an interest in this tender 1). Login to the Portal with the username/password. 2) Click the 'PQQs / ITTs Open To All Suppliers' link. (These are pre-qualification questionnaires or invitations to tender open to any registered supplier). 3) Click on the relevant SQ/ ITT to access the content using the following: Project Code - PRJ_7277 ITT Code - PQQ_282 4). Click the Express Interest button at the top of the page. This will move the SQ/ITT into your My SQ/ITTs page. This is a secure area reserved for your projects only. 5) You can now access any attachments by clicking Buyer Attachments in the PQQ/ITT Details box. Instructions on how to submit a tender will be provided.

