Framework Agreement for Carriageway and Car Park Resurfacing / Reconstruction and Minor Repairs 2022-2026

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Works)
not specified
09 Mar 2022
not specified



Geochart for 1 buyers and 7 suppliers
North Lanarkshire Council
Hillhouse Quarry Group
JH Civil Engineering
John Mcgeady
Luddon Construction
Maclay Civil Engineering
Newlay Civil Engineering
Tarmac Trading
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


North Lanarkshire Council intends to establish a multi supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works to the existing road network and car parks within the North Lanarkshire Council geographical boundary. A contractual arrangement is required to extend the life of the road network, typical through the process of resurfacing and reconstruction works. The requirement also includes the provision of ancillary items such as traffic management, road markings, drainage, kerbing etc to be delivered with the resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works.

Total Quantity or Scope

The following information is intended as an overview and should assist Tenderers in making an informed decision as to whether to submit a completed ITT for this provision. A full and detailed specification of requirements is provided within Attachment 06b of the document suite and can be downloaded from the additional documentation area with the PCS-T portal. The Council has a requirement to undertake resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works to the existing road network and car parks within the North Lanarkshire Council geographical boundary. The procurement is driven by the requirement to extend the life of the road network, typically through the process of resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works. The Works will include, but not limited to, items such as: Implementation, maintenance and removal of traffic management; Cold milling; Resurfacing; Raising or lowering of ironwork; Renewal of ironwork; Drainage works; Road markings; Patching; Kerbing; Excavation; and Minor repairs The works are required in order to ensure that the current road condition does not deteriorate as shown by the road condition index, which is measured on an annual basis. The Framework Agreement conditions of contract are NEC3 Framework Contract April 2013 with individual Package Orders being issued under the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract April 2013. Further information can be found in Attachment 06a Framework Agreement and Call-Off Conditions. Award of this Framework Agreement shall be on the basis of MEAT; the evaluation of a combination of Contractors prices submitted against a pre-priced Schedule of Rates and quality questions. A maximum number of 8 Contractors shall be appointed to this Framework Agreement. The anticipated upper limit of spend to be potentially routed through this Framework Agreement circa 20000000 GBP. Call offs shall be made in compliance with Attachment 07 Call off Procedure. Note, the contract value is an estimate and that there is no guarantee of any specific volume of business arising under the Framework Agreement. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.

Award Detail

1 Hillhouse Quarry Group (Paisley)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
2 JH Civil Engineering (Airdrie)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
3 John Mcgeady (Blantyre)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
4 Luddon Construction (Glasgow)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
5 Maclay Civil Engineering (Airdrie)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
6 Newlay Civil Engineering (Airdrie)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.
7 Tarmac Trading (South Normanton)
  • Reference: 006468-2022-nlc-cpt-21-038-1
  • Value: £20,000,000 [share]
  • Awarded to group of suppliers.

Award Criteria

Quality 40
price 60

CPV Codes

  • 45233223 - Carriageway resurfacing works


Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** (SC Ref:686354)

