16+ Services - Young people supported accommodation and tenancy support

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
5 year
15 Feb 2022
01 Aug 2022 to 31 Jul 2027
13 Sep 2021 12:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 2 suppliers
Nottinghamshire County Council
New Roots Housing Project
Nottingham Community Housing Association
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


This is a competitive procurement using a competitive procedure with negotiation style process conducted in accordance with the light touch regime of the Public Procurement 2015 Regulations . Nottinghamshire County Council is inviting suitably qualified organisations or consortia to submit tenders to provide supported accommodation and tenancy support to young people, aged 16 plus. Young people are eligible to access 16 plus supported accommodation are follows; • Looked After Children moving on from residential care or foster care as part of a planned move or following a placement breakdown • Care Leavers up to the age of 25 • Homeless and vulnerably housed 16/17-year olds • Homeless and vulnerably housed 18-21-year olds with additional other vulnerabilities Nottinghamshire Council is looking to continue to drive service improvements and achieve improved outcomes for young people by redesigning the 16+ supported accommodation services. Currently services are commissioned via two routes: a framework agreement that is due to end in July 2022, and an approved provider list established in 2018 for young people with more challenging behaviours or high risk profiles that are unsuitable for the main provision. These existing contracts and individual placement agreements will draw to a close and be replaced by a new supported accommodation suite of services. The scope and nature of the services required by the Council are set out in more detail in the Specification. The service is required across the whole of Nottinghamshire County (excluding Nottingham City) and will be commissioned as 5 separate lots based on location as follows. Lot 1 Broxtowe, Rushcliffe and Gedling Lot 2 Mansfield Lot 3 Ashfield Lot 4 Newark and Sherwood Lot 5 Bassetlaw The service will be provided within the accommodation settings, the young person's home and any other appropriate location to suit the young person. The number of contracts will be limited, where practical, to two for any bidder. However bidders are strongly encouraged not to limit their bids to just their preferred lots, and should bid for any they have the capacity to deliver. The contract will commence from 01 August 2022 for a period of 5 years to 31 July 2027. There are three twenty-four-month extensions available.

Award Detail

1 New Roots Housing Project (None)
  • Value: £22,664,411
2 Nottingham Community Housing Association (None)
  • Value: £22,664,411

CPV Codes

  • 85311000 - Social work services with accommodation


  • Contract is suitable for VCOs.

Other Information

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