Heavy Equipment Transporter Interim Capability Solution (HET ICS)

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
5 year
14 Feb 2022
06 Jul 2024 to 06 Jul 2029
09 Mar 2022 23:59



United Kingdom:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


Overview of MDL25 Programme: 1. The Material Distribution Land 2025 (MDL25) Programme, managed in the Land Domain within DE&S, aims to deliver the next generation of Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET), Materiel Distribution (MD) and Bulk Liquids (BL) capabilities. 2. The HET platform (train) includes both the tractor and trailer units and provides the capability to move heavy or out of gauge armour/equipment within the firm base, deployed benign and deployed tactical environments. 3. The MDL25 Programme is divided into two Tranches with the HET covered in Tranche 1, followed by MD and BL as Tranche 2. 4. Tranche 1 has been further divided into two separate procurement phases as follows: a. Tranche 1A (the HET Interim Solution) which aims to deliver a HET Interim Capability Solution (ICS) for a three-year period (from Jul 24) with two one-year contract options and; b. Tranche 1B (the Future HET) which aims to deliver a longer-term solution to the Authority’s Future HET capability requirement for a modernised, enduring capability beyond FY27/28, which will be capable of incorporating technological advancements such as enhanced driver aides, vehicle autonomy and potential improvements to fuel consumption and/or fuel type. 5. For clarity, this Contract Notice and Dynamic Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (DPQQ) relates to Tranche 1A only.

Total Quantity or Scope

The HET ICS Requirement: 6. The Authority is seeking potential providers who have the experience, capacity, and capability to deliver the HET ICS by the 6th July 2024. The HET ICS must provide a trialed and tested fleet of militarised HET trains which can safely move a variety of heavy logistics loads, Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV) and the Main Battle Tank (MBT) in peacetime, on training exercises, during the transition to war and in war fighting scenarios. The HET is a key logistical vehicle for Defence and is further utilised in the global movement of various cargos across a number of tactical and operational scenarios. 7. The requirement requires the potential provider to deliver a manning structure that embraces the Army’s concept of Whole Force Approach (WfA) with the capability being delivered by an integrated combination of regular, reserve (both Regular Reserve and Sponsored Reserves (SR)), civilian & industry resources. 8. In particular reference to the SR requirement, potential providers are to provide: a. 85 SRs in the following professions: i. 68 x Driver Tank Transporter Operators (DTTO) ii. 9 x Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (REME) Maintainers iii. 8 x SR float. 9. The HET fleet is based at the following locations in the numbers shown below but can be flexed between those locations to meet operational demands, but will not exceed the total availability requirement: a. Up to 40 trains at Bulford b. Up to 40 trains at Catterick c. Up to 6 trains in Germany d. Up to 7 trains on Operations. 10. To deliver the HET ICS, the potential provider is to provide a managed service to meet the Army’s availability requirements of: a. 89 HET Tractors, b. 86 HET Trailers and c. 3 recovery systems. d. To Note: i. regarding points 10. a-c, there is an existing HET fleet currently providing the capability. The Authority does not intend to procure this fleet and offer it as Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) to fulfil the HET ICS requirement. ii. The potential provider may also have to provide Heavy HET trailers as part of the HET ICS. e. 85 SRs (Operators and Maintainers) as detailed in paragraph 8. f. An integrated logistics support service including fleet management, inventory management, supply chain management, servicing, maintenance, regeneration services and repair and inspection of a fleet of military vehicles. g. Supporting tasks performed in the firm base, deployed benign and deployed tactical environments. h. Sponsored Reserve training. i. Publication and updating of service documents. j. Safety management, including safety documentation. k. A Fleet Management Information System (MIS). 11. HET trains must also meet the following summary technical requirements: a. Comply with the weight / transport requirements within limits of Road Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) (General) Order 2003. Special Types; General Order (STGO) Guidance and Highways Regulations. b. Have the ability to move on gravelled / prepared tracks occasionally, alongside the primary ability to move loads via highways and paved roads; c. Remain within STGO guidance for acceptable axle load limitations Gross Axle Weight (GAW); d. Follow the NATO single fuel policy e. Recover non task-worthy vehicles including but not exclusively the MBT with loss of Mobility

Renewal Options

HET Interim Capability Solution (ICS) will have a three-year duration with two optional years (3+1+1).

CPV Codes

  • 50111100 - Vehicle-fleet management services
  • 34200000 - Vehicle bodies, trailers or semi-trailers
  • 34223300 - Trailers
  • 35400000 - Military vehicles and associated parts
  • 50100000 - Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
  • 73423000 - Development of military vehicles


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Options are available.
  • Renewals are not available.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Indicative Timescales: 12. The Authority requires the potential provider to meet the key milestones for the HET ICS, outlined below. 13. The Pre-Qualification phase of the procurement will be undertaken during the below indicative timescales: a. DPQQ Issue Date: 14 Feb 22 (potential providers can ask clarification question from 14 Feb 22 – 23 Feb 2022. Any clarification questions received beyond this date will not be accepted. The Authority will respond to all clarification questions by 2 Mar 2022. b. DPQQ Return Date: 15 Mar 22 c. DPQQ Evaluation Period: Mar – May 22 d. DPQQ issue of outcome letters: Jun 22 14. The ITN phase of the procurement will be undertaken during the below indicative timescales: a. ITN Issue: Jul 22 b. ITN Return: Oct 22 c. ITN Evaluation / Negotiation Period: Oct 22 – Mar 23 d. ITN Issue of Outcome Letters: Q3 2023 e. Contract Award Date: Q1 2024 f. Full-Service Commencement Date: 6th July 2024

