Primary Care Based Mental Health Services including IAPT in East Sussex 21.794 (PINWCC)

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
2 year
08 Feb 2022
01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2024
22 Feb 2022 17:00



Surrey, East and West Sussex: Within the boundaries of the county of East Sussex

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS East Sussex CCG
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


This notice is to inform the market of the intention to directly award a 24-month contract to Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for the provision of Primary Care Based Mental Health Services including IAPT in East Sussex for NHS East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group ('the CCG') commencing 1st April 2022.

Total Quantity or Scope

East Sussex Primary Care Based Mental Health Services as known as Health in Mind (HiM) consist of two core and integrated components. The first of which is the provision of Primary Care Mental Health Workers (PCMHW). PCMHW are qualified mental health professionals that provide support to all GP practices in East Sussex. Their role is to support practices to manage patient care and enable timely directed access to appropriate mental health clinical, recovery and support services. This includes advising on and assessment of referrals to the second component of the service the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), programme. The IAPT programme is a long standing nationally mandated programme for the treatment of adult anxiety disorders and depression. The national expectation as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan is that the number of people with anxiety disorders or depression who can access talking therapies through IAPT increase by an additional 380,000 per year to reach 1.9 million by 2023/24. IAPT services are characterised by three things, evidenced-based psychological therapies, routine outcome monitoring and regular outcomes focused supervision of staff providing the service. The provision of Primary Care Based Mental Health Services (to be referred to going forward as HiM), including IAPT are a nationally mandated duty for CCGs to provide. The intention is to directly award this contract to Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (the incumbent provider) for the following reasons. The transformation and expansion of Community Mental Health Services are set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. A key tenet of which is the nationally mandated development of Emotional Wellbeing Services (EWS). These services are integrated teams providing clinical and wellbeing support and serving PCN populations in primary care / outside of specialist Secondary Care mental health services. They are the next incarnation of the existing HiM programme. Continuation of existing East Sussex HiM services and enabling their transition into the new national EWS framework, is key to maintaining current system stability and achievement of the nationally mandated Community Mental Health Transformation agenda. The EWS programme is a key strand in the national vision for the future of Community Mental Health Services which is to be brought about through a process of transformational change taking place over the next three years, of which East Sussex are currently coming to an end of the first year. The complexity of both the design aspects of proposed changes and the multiplicity of partners on which their success depends, would indicate that a change of a core stakeholder at this time would risk destabilisation of the East Sussex Mental Health Transformation programme and associated ICS system wide interdependencies. Entering a competitive procurement process for primary care based mental health services at this current point in time presents significant risk to system stability and achievement of overall transformation objectives. The EWS programme is a key strand in the national vision for the future of Community Mental Health Services which is to be brought about through a process of transformational change taking place over the next three years, of which East Sussex are currently coming to an end of the first year. Alignment with nationally mandated expectations sees East Sussex CCG at an advanced stage in the initial implementation of these commitments. The transition from the existing primary care based mental health delivery framework i.e., HiM to the new nationally mandated EWS once completed, will also enable Commissioners to understand better and accurately specify the new EWS framework to facilitate consideration of future opportunities for provision of its functions as the Transformation Programme completes its journey. It is these key reasons that underpin East Sussex CCG's decision in respect of its intention to make a Direct Award for a two-year period to the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. This direct award proposal is made in the context of meeting patient need and maintaining service quality and safety at a time of significant nationally mandated system transformation. HiM and IAPT are the principal means of mental health primary care integration and via which local populations' prevalence of common mental health problems such as anxiety and depression are treated. They underpin the delivery of the current and proposed Primary and Secondary Care Mental Health Service delivery arrangements in East Sussex CCG and as such their continuation via a Direct Award for a two-year period is considered the best approach to ensure patient safety, service quality and nationally mandated service transformation requirements are met. The value stated represents the total for the whole 2 years of the contract. If any potential bidder wishes to discuss the commissioning intentions outlined within the published documentation, please raise this via the Intend eTendering Portal in the first instance within 14 days of the date of the publication of this Prior Information Notice. Additional information: Please note: NHS England and Improvement have announced that the Sussex Health and Care Partnership, which is made up of all health and care organisations across East Sussex, West Sussex, and Brighton and Hove, has successfully met the criteria to become an Integrated Care System (ICS). An ICS is a way of working across health and care organisations that allows them to work more closely together, to take collective responsibility for the health and wellbeing of populations across large areas. It is not anticipated that the statutory responsibility or accountability of the individual health and care organisations working as an ICS will be affected, save for the expectation that CCG organisations will be abolished and functions transferred to the ICS. As a result of these intended healthcare reforms, the Contracting Authority currently NHS East Sussex CCG may change during the life of the contract.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** An electronic process is being used and which contains further information. All correspondence will be dealt through this website. For full details of the rationale behind the decision to seek a direct award, please follow the instructions to view on the intend portal. Instructions to access the website are below. 1. Register your company on the eSourcing portal (this is only required once): - Browse to the eSourcing Portal: and click the link to register. - Read and accept the terms and conditions and click 'Continue'. - Enter your correct business and user details. - Note the user-name you chose and click 'Save' when complete. - You will shortly receive an email with your unique password (please keep this secure). 2. Express an Interest: - Login to the portal with the user-name/password. - Click the 'Tenders' link and then select 'Current' (these are documents open to any registered provider). - Click on the relevant documents to access the content. - Click the 'Express Interest' button at the bottom of the page. - This will move the project into your 'My Tenders' page. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only.) - You can now access any attachments. - You can now use the 'Clarifications' function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification. - Note any deadlines and instruction for completion. - There may be a mixture of on-line and off-line actions for you to perform. You must then submit your reply using the 'Publish Response' button at the top of the page. If you require any further assistance please consult the on-line help, or contact the eTendering help desk.

