Primary Care Medical Services for Lot 1 Bilborough Medical Centre, Lot 2 Whyburn Medical Practice, Lot 3 Peacock Healthcare and Lot 4 Grange Farm Medical Centre

A Contract Award Notice (Social)

Contract (Services)
15 year (est.)
26 Nov 2021
To 25 Nov 2036 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 4 suppliers
NHS Nottingham & NHS Nottinghamshire CCG
Nottingham City GP Alliance
Primary Integrated Community Services
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit on behalf of NHS England and Improvement – Midlands and NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group under fully delegated commissioning arrangements (referred to as the Commissioners) invited suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliver Primary Care Medical Services for Lot 1 Bilborough Medical Centre, Lot 2 Whyburn Medical Practice, Lot 3 Peacock Healthcare and Lot 4 Grange Farm Medical Centre. The contracts (one per lot) will run for a period of 10 years with an option to extend to a further 5 years (maximum total contract duration 15 years).

Lot Division

1 Bilborough Medical Centre

The practice is part of the BACHS (Beechdale, Aspley, Cinderhill, Hyson Green, Strelley) Primary Care Network. The practice has 10,096 patients (10548.68 weighted) as of July 2020; the list size has increased in the past 12 months by 1,300 patients due to the closure of a local practice. The practice is situated in a highly deprived area with an Index of Multiple Deprivation (2019) of 36.1 compared to a Nottingham city average of 34.9 and national average of 21.7. Bilborough Medical Centre is currently under caretaking arrangements. An announced comprehensive CQC inspection took place in January 2020. The CQC have not given an overall rating for this practice because whilst improvement had been made by the new provider there was no published data available at that time to support their findings.

2 Whyburn Medical Practice

The practice is part of the Byron Primary Care Network. The practice has 11,843 patients (12756.38 weighted) as of July 2020; the list size has remained fairly static over the past 12 months. Whyburn Medical Practice is currently under caretaking arrangements and so has a newly registered status with the CQC. This means there is not currently a CQC rating of the practice.

3 Peacock Healthcare

The practice is part of the Arrow Health Primary Care Network. The practice has 5,487 patients (5468.58 weighted) as of July 2020; the list size has remained fairly static over the past 12 months. Peacock Healthcare is currently under caretaking arrangements and so has a newly registered status with the CQC.

4 Grange Farm Medical Centre

The practice is part of the City South Primary Care Network. The practice has 6,006 patients (6685.67weighted) as of April 2020; the list size grew by approximately 500 patients between April and July 2019 following the closure of a nearby practice and has remained fairly stable since. In October 2016 the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published a report into the practice. The CQC report rated the practice as Good overall and the practice achieved an ‘Outstanding’ rating in the caring domain and ‘Good’ ratings in all other domains (Safe, Effective, Responsive and Well-led).

Award Detail

1 Nottingham City GP Alliance (Nottingham)
  • Bilborough Medical Centre
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £15,707,617
2 Primary Integrated Community Services (Nottingham)
  • Whyburn Medical Practice
  • Reference: 2
  • Num offers: 7
  • Value: £17,883,169
3 Primary Integrated Community Services (Nottingham)
  • Peacock Healthcare
  • Reference: 3
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £7,962,581
4 Nottingham City GP Alliance (Nottingham)
  • Grange Farm Medical Centre
  • Reference: 4
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £9,372,641

CPV Codes

  • 85120000 - Medical practice and related services
  • 85121100 - General-practitioner services


