Expression of Interest for the Provision of: Collaborative IAPT Provision through a Lead Provider Arrangement across Nottingham & Nottinghamshire

A Tender Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
26 Nov 2021
not specified
10 Dec 2021 16:00



Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire CCG
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire CCG is seeking a suitably qualified and capable lead/co-ordinating provider. The provider will have a dual role of co-ordinating/managing a partnership or supply chain of IAPT providers to deliver the contractual requirements for which it will be held accountable as well as operational provision of IAPT services. It will manage the partnership to ensure that outwardly, there is a single Nottingham and Nottinghamshire IAPT service, with no differentiation between individual providers. The total budget for delivery of IAPT provision is £14.9m for 2022/23 with no additional funding available for a lead/co-ordinating provider function.

Total Quantity or Scope

The lead provider will lead the delivery and co-design of the long-term aspirations of IAPT services across the Nottingham & Nottinghamshire ICS, providing a joined-up provision of Mental Health care with an aligned approach across wider pathways between primary care, IAPT and Step 4 Psychological Therapies, as well as Children & Young People to adult transition. It will demonstrate how it intends to work with partner providers to deliver the required volume and type of activity within the financial envelope. It will be able to demonstrate how the provider partnership will be able to deliver all the requirements set out in the IAPT manual, including specialist support to under-represented groups and how it will work with other providers and Place Based Partnerships (PBPs) to design delivery models which will address the local needs and health inequalities. The lead/co-ordinating provider will also be able to demonstrate its approach to securing supply chain partners and how they are assured that the approach will deliver the relevant capacity and skill mix for each PBP. This expression of interest will be strengthened where supply chain partners are able to be identified. The lead provider will be accountable for ensuring a lead provider function and IAPT service is in place which delivers the following within the defined financial envelope: - Delivers the requirements of the Long Term Plan - Supports access, outcomes and experience for groups particularly impacted by the pandemic including ethnic minority communities, older adults, and students - Expands access to IAPT to deliver target access trajectories, targeting capacity to meet population need within each PBP - Delivers high quality IAPT intervention, including the improvement or maintenance of waiting times and outcome metrics - Focusses on population level health outcomes, tackling inequalities and ensuring services are culturally sensitive and appropriate - Provides place based delivery models, designed through collaboration with PBPs, PCNs and patients, which meet the needs of specific population cohorts - Provides support to patients with long term conditions in response to the specific demands of local populations driving integration across physical and mental health pathways, as well as other groups identified within the IAPT manual The lead/co-ordinating provider will be responsible for co-ordinating collaborative working at place level, including delivery model design; management of a provider partnership or supply chain; provision of clinical services; and will have overall accountability for delivery of a single IAPT contract which will be supported by robust governance arrangements between providers. Their approach will have patients rather than organisations at the centre and meet the needs of the whole population – and deliver collaborative working between providers rather than competition to deliver equitable, joined up, quality and value for money services. They will co-ordinate capacity and workforce across providers and provide a single point of access to ensure patients can access the relevant skills and expertise; and provide an equitable offer, standardising care and quality for all patients across the ICS. Additional information: To register your interest please follow this link and either login or register on EU Supply and search from ID number 47290 - EOI for the Provision of: Collaborative IAPT Provision through a Lead Provider Arrangement across Nottingham & Nottinghamshire then answer all the questions and submit your response by 16:00 on Friday 10th December 2021.

CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Providers willing to Express an Interest will be required to respond to a series of questions which are scored on a "Pass/Fail" basis. The scoring criteria for each question is stipulated within the question. Only providers who score a "Pass" on all "Pass/Fail" questions will be deemed compliant & capable. Depending on the outcome of the Expressions of Interest, the Commissioner reserves the right to direct award to provider(s) with no further competition where there is a single provider expressing an interest and scores a "Pass" on all "Pass/Fail" questions.. Depending on the number of providers who Express an Interest and score a "Pass" on all "Pass/Fail" questions, then the Commissioner may seek to undertake a Provider selection process. Please be advised the contracting Authority will be Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) subject to forthcoming legislation

