Soft Market Testing: Student Information Systems

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Goods)
not specified
23 Nov 2021
not specified




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Southampton University
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The University of Southampton is currently exploring a range of options to enhance the current and future state of its student information system. The current system acts as the primary source and hub of student information. Whilst the system has proven to be resilient and robust, it has over time been significantly modified to meet the stakeholder and compliance needs, as a consequence the bespoke technical developments no longer enable the delivery of transformation at the speed, agility and user experience Southampton University stakeholders expect. The University is engaging with the market to explore all service model options that may be available and interested parties are invited to attend a Soft Market Testing event.

Total Quantity or Scope

The University of Southampton is currently exploring a range of options to enhance the current and future state of its Student Information System (SIS). … This project aims to assess what software and delivery models are available in the market to assist in building a long term strategy for the SIS. The University is keen to explore on-prem, managed cloud and SaaS solutions to enable a complete view of what is available. An indicative value of this project is in the region of £15,000,000 The University is keen to explore all options that may be available in the marketplace and interested parties are invited to complete and return a questionnaire and attend a Soft Market Testing event to demonstrate their systems. The deadline for the receipt of completed questionnaires and requests to attend a Soft Market Testing event is 12:00 (Noon) 5th January 2022. Information received as part of this soft market testing exercise shall be used to help shape the University's final strategy and scope of any resulting procurement process. Please Note: The University is conducting this soft market testing exercise to allow interested parties, with appropriate experience, to outline their views and provide impartial information to the University with no commitment to themselves or the University. This is not a call for competition at this stage.

CPV Codes

  • 48000000 - Software package and information systems
  • 48100000 - Industry specific software package

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The University is utilising an electronic tendering tool (In-Tend: universityofsouthampton) to manage this soft market testing exercise and to communicate with participating organisations. All documentation in relation to this soft market testing exercise can be downloaded from In-Tend. Participating organisations are advised that there will be no hard copy documents issued to organisations and all communications with the University including the submission of Soft Market Testing event request form will be conducted via In-Tend. Regular monitoring of In-Tend is the responsibility of the participating organisation. If you are not already registered as a supplier with the University of Southampton, you will need to register in In-Tend in order to access the soft market testing documentation. Once you have logged in: click on 'Tenders'; locate the relevant project; and click 'View Details'. Once you are in the project screen, you will be able to register your company against the project and access all documentation by clicking 'Express Interest'. Further instructions for the submission of soft market event forms are below. To submit your return, please follow the instructions below: 1. Log In 2. Click 'Tenders' 3. Locate the relevant project 4. View Details 5. Click on the tab relating to the relevant project stage (e.g. 'Soft Market Testing') 6. Click on the 'Attach Documents' button and upload your return. 7. Check ALL your response documents are uploaded and displayed in the "My Tender Return" panel. The system will only permit your organisation to make one return. 8. Click the red "Submit Return" button. Please note that, to preserve the integrity of the soft market testing exercise, all queries must made be via the correspondence function within In-Tend. The deadline for the return of completed Questionnaires and Soft Market Testing request form is 12:00 (Noon) 5th January 2022. This Prior information Notice is issued solely for the purpose of conducting pre-procurement market engagement and does not constitute any commitment to undertake any procurement in the future. Interested parties will not be prejudiced by any response or failure to respond to the PIN event and a response to this PIN does not guarantee any invitation to participate in this event or any future procurement. This PIN does not constitute a call for competition to procure any services, supplies or works mentioned in this PIN and the University will not accept any proposals offered in response to this PIN. The University of Southampton is not liable for any costs, fees, or expenses incurred by any party in replying to the PIN or attending any briefing day (if applicable). Any procurement of any services, supplies or works by the University of Southampton will be carried out strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

