Framework Agreement for Carriageway and Car Park Resurfacing / Reconstruction and Minor Repairs 2022-2026

A Tender Notice

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Framework (Works)
23.5 month
28 Sep 2021
To 19 Oct 2023 (est.)
29 Oct 2021 11:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
North Lanarkshire Council
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


North Lanarkshire Council intends to establish a multi supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works to the existing road network and car parks within the North Lanarkshire Council geographical boundary. A contractual arrangement is required to extend the life of the road network, typical through the process of resurfacing and reconstruction works. The requirement also includes the provision of ancillary items such as traffic management, road markings, drainage, kerbing etc to be delivered with the resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works.

Total Quantity or Scope

The following information is intended as an overview and should assist Tenderers in making an informed decision as to whether to submit a completed ITT for this provision. A full and detailed specification of requirements is provided within Attachment 06b of the document suite and can be downloaded from the additional documentation area with the PCS-T portal. The Council has a requirement to undertake resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works to the existing road network and car parks within the North Lanarkshire Council geographical boundary. The procurement is driven by the requirement to extend the life of the road network, typically through the process of resurfacing / reconstruction and minor repair works. The Works will include, but not limited to, items such as: Implementation, maintenance and removal of traffic management; Cold milling; Resurfacing; Raising or lowering of ironwork; Renewal of ironwork; Drainage works; Road markings; Patching; Kerbing; Excavation; and Minor repairs The works are required in order to ensure that the current road condition does not deteriorate as shown by the road condition index, which is measured on an annual basis. The Framework Agreement conditions of contract are NEC3 Framework Contract April 2013 with individual Package Orders being issued under the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract April 2013. Further information can be found in Attachment 06a Framework Agreement and Call-Off Conditions. Award of this Framework Agreement shall be on the basis of MEAT; the evaluation of a combination of Contractors prices submitted against a pre-priced Schedule of Rates and quality questions. A maximum number of 8 Contractors shall be appointed to this Framework Agreement. The anticipated upper limit of spend to be potentially routed through this Framework Agreement circa 20000000 GBP. Call offs shall be made in compliance with Attachment 07 Call off Procedure. Note, the contract value is an estimate and that there is no guarantee of any specific volume of business arising under the Framework Agreement. Additional information: Economic operators may be excluded from this competition if they are in any of the situations referred to in regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.

Renewal Options

The Council intends to include an additional 2 x 12 month extension period which can be utilised should circumstances arise that such an extension is required.

Award Criteria

Quality 40
price 60

CPV Codes

  • 45233223 - Carriageway resurfacing works


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • Financial restrictions apply.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.
  • Technical restrictions apply.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** Part II – Information Concerning the Bidder A: Information About the Bidder; B: Information About Representatives of the Bidder; C: Information About Reliance on the Capacities of Other Entities; and D: Information Concerning Sub-contractors on Whose Capacity the Bidder Does Not Rely. Minimum level(s) of standards required: The information required in Part II of the SPD (Scotland) is for information only and therefore will not be assessed however the Councils may choose not to select a Bidder that cannot provide basic company information. Bidders must ensure that they submit appropriate SPD (Scotland) completed by other members of the group, if they are bidding as part of a group, others on whose capacity they rely, and known subcontractors on whose capacity they do not rely on, to satisfy any aspect of the SPD (Scotland). . Part VI – Concluding statements Minimum level(s) of standards required: Bidders unable to complete this part of the SPD (Scotland) may be excluded from the competition. . All Tenderers should complete the Qualification, Technical and Commercial Envelopes within the PCS-T System as part of their Tender . Late Tenders will not be considered under any circumstances The Council will not provide additional notification to any Bidder of the rejection of a late Tender. For the avoidance of any doubt, automated messages confirming receipt of a Tender should not be taken to imply acceptance of it by the Council. The complete Tender (complete with SPD (Scotland)) should be submitted in accordance with the instructions given with the Form of Tender signed by an authorised representative i.e. company director or secretary (as registered within Companies House) or by a person authorised by the Bidder to do so. The Council reserves the right to exclude any unclear, erroneous, qualified and / or incomplete Tenders received. The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this ITT exercise. The Project code is 19464. For more information see: A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see: Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see: A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows: The Contractor and its supply chain will be required to actively participate in the achievement of social, environmental and/or sustainability policy objectives relating to local regeneration, social and economic growth, recruitment, employment and training and supply chain initiatives. The Contractor will be required to provide access to opportunities to SMEs wherever possible and will advertise all subcontract opportunities linked to the contract using the Public Contracts Scotland Portal. The Contractor will be required to ensure that all subcontractors advertise all their subcontracts as described above. In addition, they will be required to identify and provide access to opportunities linked to the contract to social enterprises wherever possible. Where job vacancies related to the contract arise within the Contractor’s organisation, they will be required wherever possible and appropriate, to provide access to employment and training opportunities aimed specifically at unemployed individuals and to use all reasonable endeavours to fill those posts with such persons. The Contractor should also link in where possible and appropriate to school, student, graduate and other work experience programmes. The Contractor will be required to detail the community benefits that it will deliver if successful in this tender opportunity within Attachment 05 Award Questionnaire. (SC Ref:664345)

