Haulage and Storage (H&S)

A Contract Award Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
5.5 year
14 Sep 2021
07 Sep 2020 to 28 Feb 2026
07 Sep 2020 00:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
Xpo Supply Chain
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


A Joint procurement between HRMC and Border Force (acting through the Home Office) was carried out to procure services via two lots:1) Inland Pre-Clearance Logistics and Management Services (Lot1 - HMRC)2) Haulage and Storage Services (Lot 2 - Border Force)This notice relates to Lot 2 only.

Award Detail

1 Xpo Supply Chain (Edinburgh)
  • Value: £24,673,816

CPV Codes

  • 63100000 - Cargo handling and storage services

Other Information

Border Force is a Directorate of the Home Office. Border Force has established a contracting vehicle for the provision of services for the Haulage and Storage (including commercial storage) of seized goods and vehicles. This contract forms part of Border Force's Haulage, Storage and Disposals suite of contracts, which are additionally used by other authorised users including HMRC and the National Crime Agency.The following goods are expected to be within the scope of this service provision (this list is not exhaustive):- Cigarettes and tobacco products,- Alcohol products,- Vehicles including cars, light commercial vehicles, HGVs, plant, coaches, caravans, boats and aircraft,- Counterfeit products, including electrical items, clothing and footwear,- Packaging materials,- Other miscellaneous goods,- Items used to aid illicit entry in to the UK i.e. goods used as cover loads.The contract value published in this notice is for the initial 5 year term.A contract value of £ 34 376 777.00 GBP, is a whole life cost for the full contract period of 7 years (5 years initial period and 2 years extension), for Border Forces Haulage and Storage Services (Lot 2) at the prices prevailing at contract award excluding indexation. The initial 5 year contract term commences on the Operational Service Commencement Date, which is anticipated to be 1st March 2021.Please note that Lot 1 of this procurement (Inland Pre-Clearance Logistics and Management Services), is subject to a separate award notice by HMRC as the contracting Authority, and nothing in this contract award notice, including the price, includes anything in relation to Lot 1. BF H&S Redacted https://atamis-8888.cloudforce.com/sfc/p/58000000L5A4/a/4I000001R0ty/WLL.Qvzu5QZ...

