Vehicle Licensing and Inspection Services and a Technology System for Taxi and Private Hire Services

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Services)
15 year (est.)
14 Sep 2021
To 13 Sep 2036 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 2 suppliers
Transport for London
Tata Consultancy Services
Marston Holdings
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


Transport for London (TfL) license and regulate all of London's taxi and private hire drivers, vehicles and operators. The Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) requires that TfL has a strong licensing function in London, a safe and reliable taxi and private hire trade and it uses technology to serve our customers.

Lot Division

1 A Technology System and Customer Access Portal for Taxi and Private Hire Services

TfL has procured the services of a technology supplier to provide and maintain enabling technology in support of vehicle, driver and operator licensing and inspection services. The system created in respect of TfL needs shall be used by TfL and other suppliers in the day to day operations supporting TfL’s customers in the taxi and private hire (TPH) trade. The services to be provided include the hosting of the system. The technology solution shall deal with all elements of administering the licensing function and related back office functions and TPH on street enforcement. The system shall act as a central repository for data relating to the licensing function. The delivery of the services under the Lot 1 contract will include ensuring that the system integrates with different parts of the licensing service and is available for use by TfL and other suppliers. The services will also include general administration (records, bookings, personal detail processing), applications and on street enforcement functions. It is TfL’s intention to create a web first approach to taxi/private hire vehicle licensing and vehicle inspection booking that provides customers with simple, intuitive self-service experience leading to effective channel shift away from traditional communication methods. The Lot 1 supplier will act as the lead integrator of the services throughout the term of the agreement and shall also maintain the service system and all training materials and continually engage with TfL and other suppliers to maintain and improve operational delivery of the services. The timescale to deliver a fully tested and accepted system for the operational phase is a major driver for the transition phase of the project. Additional services In accordance with Regulation 72(1) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 TfL reserve the right to include the following additional services as options through the term of the agreement. For the full scope of the additional services please see Schedule 2.2C of the contract but the services listed are: Compliance and enforcement handheld/mobile solution, Printing of documentation and licence materials, Scanning and lastly, Automation / Processing of Driver and Operator Licensing activities

Award Criteria
Quality criterion - Name: System Design 35.0
Quality criterion - Name: Mobilisation and Transition 25.0
Quality criterion - Name: Service Management 25.0
Quality criterion - Name: Innovation & Continuous Improvement 15.0
Price - Weighting: PQP _
2 Vehicle Licensing, Inspection and Contact Centre Services

TfL have successfully procured the services of a supplier to provide vehicle licensing, inspection and contact centre services. The services will include taking online and telephony bookings through a contact centre established and operated by the supplier and carrying out service and physical taxi and PHV inspections at a specified number of London based inspection sites. It is currently anticipated that there will be 5 sites. By way of illustration only, there are currently approximately 450 licensed vehicle inspections carried out daily and 120 000 annually. The vehicle licencing process, applicable for all taxis and private hire vehicles ensures they meet TfL’s conditions of fitness (Taxis) and Private Hire Vehicles (London PHV vehicles) Regulations 2004 through inspections on a regular basis (which doesn’t replace MOT’s) in line with predefined criteria as set out in TfL’s Inspection Manual The supplier will handle customer service enquiries related to vehicle license bookings and administrative activities such as change of ownership and address, including the processing of payments and refunds via the system provided under Lot 1. The Lot 2 supplier will work collaboratively and cooperatively with Lot 1 supplier and other suppliers throughout the life of the operational contract. The supplier shall supply the appropriate vehicle inspection service at the relevant sites, establish the contact centre with the necessary equipment and staff and ensure that the staff operating the services are appropriately trained. The sites used for vehicle inspections shall be sourced by TfL. Additional services In accordance with Regulation 72(1) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 TfL reserve the right to include the following additional services as options through the term of the agreement. For the full scope of the additional services please see Schedule 2.2C of the contract, the services listed are: Advanced Driver Testing, DBS Management service, Print of documentation and licence materials, Scanning and lastly, Automation / Processing of Driver and Operator Licensing activities.

Award Criteria
Quality Criterion - Name: Operational Services 40.0
Quality Criterion - Name: Mobilisation and Transition 25.0
Quality Criterion - Name: Service Management 25.0
Quality Criterion - Name: Innovation and Continuous Improvement 10.0
Price - Weighting: PQP _

Award Detail

1 Tata Consultancy Services (London)
  • Vehicle Licensing and Inspection Services and a Technology System for Taxi and Private Hire Services
  • Reference: tfl_scp_001789
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £12,000,000
2 Marston Holdings (Birmingham)
  • Vehicle Licensing, Inspection and Contact Centre Services
  • Reference: tfl_scp_001789
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £54,600,000

CPV Codes

  • 60100000 - Road transport services
  • 22454000 - Driving licences
  • 32427000 - Network system
  • 48170000 - Compliance software package
  • 48218000 - License management software package
  • 72212170 - Compliance software development services
  • 72212218 - License management software development services
  • 72222300 - Information technology services
  • 60120000 - Taxi services
  • 60130000 - Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
  • 63712000 - Support services for road transport
  • 71631200 - Technical automobile inspection services
  • 75100000 - Administration services


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

To ensure services provided to the taxi and private hire trade are delivered in the most effective and efficient manner, TfL are seeking to procure the services of supplier(s) to deliver and support the activity of vehicle licensing and inspection and an end to end technology system. The procurement was divided into 2 lots and conducted via the competitive dialogue procedure. There was an option to submit a combined response for both lots. Lot 1: A Technology System and Customer Access Portal for Taxi and Private Hire Services; Lot 2: Vehicle Licensing, Inspection and Contact Centre Services. The total combined value of the contracts is specified as £103,000,000. This value is TfL's best estimate of the total value of the contracts and is comprised of: Initial Term: £31,300,000 (Lot 1:£8,900,000) (Lot 2: £22,400,000) Full Term: £66,600,000 (Lot 1: 12,000,000) (Lot 2: 54,600,000) Provision for Additional Services: £36,400,000

