
A Contract Award Notice

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Contract (Services)
not specified
12 Aug 2021
not specified



United Kingdom: England

Geochart for 1 buyers and 1 suppliers
DEFRA Network Etendering Portal
Cyient Europe
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


The contract is for the provision integrated geospatial digital mapping services and associated remote sensing techniques for: controls, compliance and monitoring; enforcing statutory environmental conditions and verifying subsidy scheme claims by remotely inspecting land through the use of computer aided photo interpretation (CAPI) and/ or machine learning techniques. Land registration and digitising entails the creation and maintenance of geospatial data products that are used as key controls or reference data against which subsidy scheme claims are cross-checked. Land registration service is administered by the RPA and the data is used extensively by DEFRA and outside the subsidy arena. The business activities can be associated with the contract services include but are not limited to: • Imagery product creation – including orthorectification and pre-processing • Ground truthing, collecting in situ data and rapid field visits • Crop and vegetation classification • Remote sensing inspection and controls – computer aided photo interpretation (CAPI) • Digitising - Rural land registration data maintenance (land parcel data layer, land cover data layer, hedge control data layer), • Quality Control • To provide quality trained resources that can be flexed up or down • Reporting of performance and quality using Management Information (MI) • Supplementary Business Analysis and IT support (Testing, Requirements input, Operational support, MI and performance monitoring) • Geospatial consultancy to deliver proof of concepts and pilot studies to exploit advancements in technology and evolve the operation The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) is an executive agency of Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) that is responsible for annual payments of over £2 billion in direct aid and rural development to farmers, land managers and food producers in England.

Total Quantity or Scope

• Imagery product creation – including orthorectification and pre-processing • Ground truthing, collecting in situ data and rapid field visits • Crop and vegetation classification • Remote sensing inspection and controls – computer aided photo interpretation (CAPI) • Digitising - Rural land registration data maintenance (land parcel data layer, land cover data layer, hedge control data layer), • Quality Control • To provide quality trained resources that can be flexed up or down • Reporting of performance and quality using Management Information (MI) • Supplementary Business Analysis and IT support (Testing, Requirements input, Operational support, MI and performance monitoring) • Geospatial consultancy to deliver proof of concepts and pilot studies to exploit advancements in technology and evolve the operation

Award Detail

1 Cyient Europe (Reading)
  • Integrated_Geospatial_Services
  • Reference: 019658-2021-ecm_61928-1
  • Value: £3,701,669

Award Criteria

price _

CPV Codes

  • 71354100 - Digital mapping services

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. **

