Type 31 Frigate Support Assessment Phase (T31 SAP)

A Prior Information Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
not specified
28 Jun 2021
not specified



Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire:

Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Ministry of Defence (the “Authority”) has a potential future requirement to provide an in-service support solution for five (5) new Type 31 (“T31”) ‘Inspiration Class’ frigates for the Royal Navy (RN). These ships are intended to replace five general-purpose Type 23 frigates which have served the RN since the early 1990s. T31 will be at the heart of the RN’s surface fleet, deterring aggression and maintaining the security of the UK’s interests. They will work alongside our Allies to deliver credible UK warship presence across the globe. Flexible and adaptable by design, T31 frigates will undertake missions such as interception and disruption of those using the sea for unlawful purposes, collecting intelligence, conducting defence engagement and assisting those in need. The RN will therefore require an efficient and economically viable T31 support solution that achieves the high levels of availability required to sustain operations at the intensity and global range that the UK’s defence commitments demand. The purpose of this PIN is to invite potential suppliers to a period of market engagement prior to the commencement of a potential future competition for the requirement. The Authority is open to engaging with suppliers or consortia interested in offering a global ship support solution. The aim of the market engagement is for the Authority to share planned key elements of the T31 Support Assessment Phase (“SAP”) programme on a technical and commercial basis. The Authority intends to use the feedback from the market engagement to further shape the T31 SAP requirements and commercial construct. Following completion of the period of market engagement the Authority may commence a procurement programme. As part of this market engagement the Authority intends to hold a virtual Launch Event on 29th July 2021 where it will share a market engagement paper with interested participants covering high level draft requirements and areas for further discussion. Suppliers who are interested in participating in the Launch Event and receiving the market engagement paper should write to the Authority at DESShipsComrcl-NSDG-T31SAP@mod.gov.uk to confirm their interest and to request a market engagement session. With your response you must send: a) details of your company name; and b) two (2) points of contact and their contact details (name, phone number, email address, postal address). The deadline for expressions to participate is 09th July 2021. Any expression of interest received after this time may be rejected at the Authority’s sole discretion. Prior to participating in the Launch Event and receiving the market engagement paper, the Authority will require interested suppliers to sign a two-way Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”), the form of which will be issued to you following your written expression of interest. Further to the Launch Event, the Authority intends to hold individual market engagement sessions with interested suppliers in early September 2021, allowing time for written responses to the market engagement paper to be submitted to the Authority. Suppliers’ responses to the paper will form the basis of discussions between both parties. Additional information: It is currently anticipated that any formal procurement relating to the provision of in-service support solutions for the T31 frigates would be subject to the Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011 (“DSPCR”) and there may be potential for elements of the scope to be exempt from the DSPCR. Neither the Authority nor its respective advisers will be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by interested parties (or their professional advisers, funders, directors, officers, employees, agents or representatives) in connection with their participation in the early market engagement, any resulting or related competition, or any part thereof. All costs and expenses incurred by any person in connection with the early market engagement or any resulting or related competition generally are the responsibilities of that person and the Authority will have no liability for any costs or expenses incurred by such person. The Authority does not bind itself to carry out any procurement in relation this PIN nor enter into any contract(s) arising out of the proceedings envisaged by this PIN and no contractual rights express or implied arise out of this notice or the procedures envisaged by it. The Authority reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to alter its approach prior to commencing any formal procurement. It is also to be noted that all information and indicative costs that are supplied by the Authority in this PIN and in the forthcoming market engagement are DRAFT and subject to change. Equally, non-participation in the market engagement will not be taken into account in any future procurement activities and will not preclude any organisation from submitting a tender in any future procurement.

CPV Codes

  • 50640000 - Repair and maintenance services of warships

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The Contracting Authority intends to use an e-Tendering system in this procurement exercise, please visit www.contracts.mod.uk for full details and to register your interest in this procurement.

