Fire Consultants Framework 2021

A Tender Notice

Find a Tender
Framework (Services)
4 year
18 May 2021
To 10 May 2026 (est.)
23 Jun 2021 11:00




Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Notting Hill Genesis
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


NHG is seeking expert fire professionals to provide consultancy services on fire safety & compliance matters. These services will be in respect of new-build residential & mixed use developments, existing residential & mixed use buildings. The services will pertain to the design, construction, refurbishment, maintenance, &/or management of these developments &existing buildings. The framework will be divided into 5 Lots with the intention that these will primarily be used by two different departments - Lots 1a, 1b &1c will primarily be used by the Building Safety Team & will primarily be for fire consultancy services for existing residential buildings. - Lots 2a & 2b will primarily be used by the Development Team & will primarily be for fire consultancy services for new developments. For the avoidance of doubt, any department or team within NHG may call off from any lot. The framework may also be used by other contracting authorities, as further described at section VI.3

Lot Division

1 Lot 1 a - Building Safety Fire Engineering Consultancy Services
  • Value: £4M

It is intended that this lot would be for Chartered Fire Engineers to undertake technical risk assessments of building elements and systems for regulatory compliance and fire safety (e.g., internal compartment walls, external walls, mechanical systems); remedial advice relating to fire safety defects with building elements and systems (e.g., external walls); expert witness services; advice about interim measures (e.g. fire detection systems, waking watch) and; the production of EWS1 forms to support residential lending activity. Full Service Specification and use of the lots can be found in the 'Information Document' which forms part of the procurement documents.

2 1b - Building Safety General Fire Consultants
  • Value: £4M

This lot will be delivered by consultants that can meet the competency requirements established by Government and NHG (e.g., members of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), and Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE)). These consultants would be employed to undertake observational and invasive surveys of building components and systems (e.g., internal compartment walls, external walls); provide remedial advice relating to fire safety defects with building elements and systems (e.g., external walls); expert witness services; design guardian services to oversee remedial works to meet quality requirements; site inspection services to meet quality requirements; and support with resident engagement related to fire safety remedial works. Consultants will also need to be qualified to issue the EWS1 forms. This includes both parts a and b. Additional information on these requirements can be found in the ITT documents

3 1c - Building Safety Consultants providing Ancillary Services
  • Value: £4M

As a supplement to lots one and two, NHG will also look to create a lot for ancillary services. This lot will support the process of evaluating and managing the ongoing fire safety of buildings through laser scanning, 3d model authoring (Computer Aided Design) and drawing services to build a digital record; project documentation (photographic evidence of deconstruction and reconstruction works); and consultancy services for the production of safety case reviews that will support ongoing regulatory compliance.

4 2a - Development Fire Consultants (complex)
  • Value: £2M

This lot is intended to deliver the full range of the NHG Development team’s fire consultant requirements – an end-to-end solution for our new build development projects. This covers both Fire Engineer services (expert fire engineers forming an integral part of the multi-disciplinary consultant team at design stage for RIBA Stages 0-4), and Fire Guardian services (a role we have established in recent years for monitoring the quality, compliance and safety of the design and construction executed by developers/contractors, primarily at RIBA Stages 4-6). First and foremost we require consultants who can provide the Fire Engineer service, and therefore we are seeking expert fire engineers with appropriate qualifications. Preferably these consultants will also be able to provide the Fire Guardian service, or be willing to develop this service in future. For NHG-led projects, preferably the fire consultant appointed as Fire Engineer at design stage will be retained as our Fire Guardian during technical design and construction once a design & build contract has been let. However we recognise that not all fire consultants are able to provide the Fire Guardian service, and therefore we will welcome bids from Tenderers offering only the Fire Engineer service. This lot description represents NHG’s current intentions for the use of Lot 2a, however NHG reserves the right to select from the most suitable lot for each fire consultant appointment on a case-by-case basis. We also may utilise this lot for work on existing buildings where appropriate, in addition to new-build developments. See the procurement documents for more information about Lot 2a, including the full set of services which may be procured through this lot.

5 2b - Development Fire Consultants (simple)
  • Value: £2M

This lot is intended to deliver the Fire Guardian service portion of the NHG Development team’s fire consultant requirements. The Fire Guardian is a role we have established in recent years for monitoring the quality, compliance and safety of the design and construction executed by developers/contractors, primarily at RIBA Stages 4-6. We are seeking built environment professionals who have appropriate qualifications and sufficient fire safety knowledge to review designs and inspect fire safety aspects of buildings during construction. Unlike Lot 2a, the consultants’ personnel do not necessarily have to be qualified fire engineers. Our intention is to use Lot 2b for Fire Guardian services in less complex circumstances, such as simple low-rise buildings or S106 acquisitions where NHG is not the developer. This lot description represents NHG’s current intentions for the use of Lot 2b, however NHG reserves the right to select from the most suitable lot for each fire consultant appointment on a case-by-case basis. We also may utilise this lot for work on existing buildings where appropriate, in addition to new-build developments. See the procurement documents for more information about Lot 2b, including the full set of services which may be procured through this lot.

CPV Codes

  • 71315200 - Building consultancy services
  • 71317100 - Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services
  • 71317200 - Health and safety services
  • 71317000 - Hazard protection and control consultancy services
  • 71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
  • 71315400 - Building-inspection services
  • 71315300 - Building surveying services
  • 71510000 - Site-investigation services
  • 71600000 - Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
  • 71354100 - Digital mapping services
  • 79811000 - Digital printing services
  • 48610000 - Database systems
  • 48613000 - Electronic data management (EDM)
  • 72212610 - Database software development services
  • 72242000 - Design-modelling services
  • 71313410 - Risk or hazard assessment for construction
  • 71300000 - Engineering services


  • This is a one-off contract (no recurrence)
  • Renewals are available.
  • Professional qualifications are sought.

Other Information

** PREVIEW NOTICE, please check Find a Tender for full details. ** The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. ABOUT US: Notting Hill Genesis (NHG) is one of the leading housing associations and residential developers in London. Following the 2018 merger between Notting Hill Housing and Genesis Housing Association, NHG now owns 66000 homes. NHG is maintaining a strong development pipeline of residential and mixed-use sites, targeting the delivery of 7,000 new homes over the next 5 years. FRAMEWORK USERS: This framework will be available for use by any entity within the same group of companies as NHG from time to time (the current list can be found at and any entity or joint venture company that NHG or any other NHG Group Member holds an interest in from time to time. NHG may also (at its sole discretion) permit use of the framework by any other contracting authority that is a provider of social housing that is operating in the Greater London area. This will be at NHG’s sole discretion and may be subject to payment of a usage fee. This includes providers of social housing including without limitation any Registered Provider (as defined in the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 and registered with the Regulator of Social Housing), local authorities and/or Arm’s-Length Management organisations (ALMO). A list of the current Registered Providers can be found by visiting Due to the increasing demand for fire safety Consultancy services across London, this Framework may present a significant opportunity for the selected framework participants with such organisations, in addition to the opportunity with NHG Group members. FRAMEWORK VALUE: Applicants should note that the estimated value of the Framework Agreement given in this Notice is based on NHG's current anticipated requirements. NHG cannot give any guarantees that works totalling this value will in fact be called off from this framework. Equally, the total value may increase, either if NHG’s own requirements increase unexpectedly or if the framework is used by other contracting authorities as noted above. FRAMEWORK LOTS: The framework will be broken down into the following Lots and NHG currently intender to appoint the following number of Tenderers to each lot as an outcome of this procurement process. However we reserve the right to appoint more or less than these numbers at our sole discretion; Lot 1a - Building Safety Fire Engineering Consultancy Services - 8 Lot 1b - Building Safety General Fire Consultants - 8 Lot 1c - Building Safety Consultants providing Ancillary Services - 8 Lot 2a - Development Fire Consultants (complex) - 8 Lot 2b - Development Fire Consultants (simple) - 8 SMES: NHG considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement. ANTICIPATED WORKS PIPELINE: For information about the Fire Safety projects which NHG anticipates letting over the coming years, see the Information Document in the procurement documents. The services required under call-off contracts will predominantly be at sites located in Greater London, however sites may also be located in other counties in the South East or East of England OTHER: NHG reserves the right to cancel the procurement at any time and not to proceed with all or part of the Framework Agreement. NHG will not, under any circumstance, reimburse any expense incurred by Applicants in preparing their tender submissions. For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: To respond to this opportunity, please click here: GO Reference: GO-2021518-PRO-18258818

