District Wide Clinical and Non-Clinical Sexual Health Services

A Contract Award Notice (Social)

Contract (Services)
10 year (est.)
10 May 2021
To 10 May 2031 (est.)




Geochart for 1 buyers and 2 suppliers
Wakefield Council
Spectrum Community Health CIC
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer

1 supplier


Wakefield Council is looking to procure a district wide clinical and non-clinical sexual health service. The procurement process being undertaken is based upon the ‘open’ tendering procedure as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This procurement process falls under the Light Touch Regime as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, Regulation 74-77. The authority is operating this procurement under the Light Touch Regime for social and other specific services, as set out in the PCR 2015, at Section 7 (Regulations 74 to 77) and Schedule 3. The contract will be be split into two lots and it is anticipated that the new contracts will commence on 1 October 2021, initially for a period of 5 years with the option to extend up to a further 5 years. It is possible that TUPE might apply.

Lot Division

1 Clinical Sexual Health Services
  • Value: £20M

The service for Lot 1 will be characterised by providing: • an open access service available to anyone requiring care, irrespective of their age or place of residence, without referral; • a Central clinic offering level 1, 2 and 3 services within a single consultation; • a single point of contact for all local sexual health services, including website and telephone advice line; • cost-effective and clinically robust offer of e-sexual and reproductive health services including an online portal assessment for STI testing and management and online or remote assessment and provision of contraception and emergency hormonal contraception; • appointment options to include same day and pre-booked remote consultations, and same day (urgent) and pre-booked face to face appointments; • option of pre-booked and non-bookable face to face appointments for those who are at increased risk of sexual ill health who may experience barriers to access via remote methods (under 25, men who have sex with men, commercial sex workers, individuals who lack digital literacy or access to technology); • targeted clinical outreach and bespoke services targeted at groups vulnerable to STIs and unplanned pregnancy (in partnership with Lot 2 provider); • a full range of sexual health services for individuals of any age, including schemes for POCT and home sampling where appropriate; • free treatment to all service users for contraceptive and sexual health, including prescribing, dispensing and drug related costs; • interpretation services for service users whose first language is not English and who require interpretation; • sustained high uptake of LARC in a range of primary care settings via subcontracts to be managed by the provider; • the delivery of EHC, including within community pharmacy; via subcontracts to be managed by the service provider; • access to free condoms, lubricants and safer sex resources; • a Chlamydia screening programme as part of the NCSP; • C-card scheme; • provision of sexual health aspects of psychosexual counselling, delivered by the service or via subcontract; • strong referral pathways between sexual and reproductive health and related services (i.e. primary care, abortion services, alcohol and drug misuse, sexual violence and sexual assault referral centres, secondary care (obstetrics, gynecology, urology, dematology), sexual health promotion and support services (Lot 2) and HIV treatment services and services working with young people). In order to achieve these aims the service provider will need to form and encourage strong collaborative links with organisations that both commission different elements of care (Wakefield LA, Wakefield CCG, NHSE) and providers of specialist prevention and support services. One provider will be awarded this lot.

2 Non-Clinical Sexual Health Services
  • Value: £2M

The service for Lot 2 will be characterised by: • bespoke and locally accessible health promotion and prevention services targeted at groups vulnerable to poor sexual health; • flexible, creative and innovative approaches to engagement, via digital and face to face methods; • effective data sharing agreements with the Lot 1 service provider; • facilitation of clinical outreach targeted at groups vulnerable to STIs and unplanned pregnancy (in partnership with Lot 1 provider); • strong referral pathways and information sharing agreements (where applicable) in place between sexual and reproductive health and related services (i.e. primary care, drug and alcohol services, sexual violence and Sexual assault referral centre, HIV treatment service, 0-19 children’s public health service, and services for young people); • being a high profile well recognised presence in situations reaching young people and vulnerable or marginalised groups including through digital platforms. One provider will be awarded the contract to provide the services for Lot 2.

Award Detail

1 Spectrum Community Health CIC (Wakefield)
  • District Wide Clinical and Non-Clinical Sexual Health Services
  • Num offers: 5
  • Value: £27,000,000
2 Spectrum Community Health CIC (Wakefield)
  • Non-Clinical Sexual Health Services
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £2,500,000

CPV Codes

  • 85323000 - Community health services
  • 85100000 - Health services


