NHS Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield CCGs: Seamless Home from Hospital Service

A Contract Award Notice

Contract (Services)
3 year (est.)
29 Mar 2021
01 Apr 2021 to 31 Mar 2024 (est.)



Practice population of Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield

Geochart for 2 buyers and 1 suppliers
NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG
Calderdale Community Transport
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.


NHS Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Groups invite providers who are suitably qualified and experienced healthcare service providers including third sector organisations, social enterprise and other providers to provide a ‘Seamless Home from Hospital’ (SHFH) service to people from the Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield areas.

Total Quantity or Scope

The Seamless Home from Hospital Service (SHFH) provides a service to individuals to avoid admission and those being discharged: The service to patients avoiding admission is offered as part of the integrated admission avoidance service. In conjunction with the Hospital Avoidance Team (HAT). These patients will have presented at A&E at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT). Clinical staff will have determined no clinical reason to admit the person to an inpatient ward but the patient is frail or vulnerable and needs additional support to ensure their safety and wellbeing to return home. Patients being discharged will have been inpatients at CHFT or an associated intermediate care facility. Patients will be medically fit for discharge however may be frail and vulnerable and need additional support to ensure their safety and well-being going home. The service will contribute to the delivery of Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield CCG's objectives of promoting health and well-being, and commissioning and providing the best possible care for patients. The aims of the service are to contribute to a reduction in avoidable hospital admissions and delayed transfers of care. Avoidable admissions include admissions from A&E for non clinical reasons and re-admissions after discharge. Days/hours of operation: On weekdays the SHFH booking line is available 9 a.m.-7 p.m., offering transport from hospital 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and support home 10.30 a.m.-9 p.m. On weekends and bank holidays the SHFH booking line is available 11 a.m.-6 p.m., offering transport from hospital 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and support at home 11 a.m.- 6 p.m. Referral criteria and sources: The service shall be made available to frail and vulnerable adults (16 years plus) resident/registered with a GP in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield CCG areas. Referrals will be accepted from and discharge coordinator, clinician or support staff acting on behalf of a clinician. HAT team member or hospital social worker based at Calderdale Royal Hospital (CRH), Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (HRI) or Intermediate Care. Patients will be collected from any location at CRH, HRI or intermediate care.

Award Detail

1 Calderdale Community Transport (Halifax)
  • NHS Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield CCGs: Seamless Home from Hospital Service
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 4
  • Value: £1,584,800
  • Contractor is an SME.

Award Criteria


CPV Codes

  • 85100000 - Health services


  • Award on basis of price.

