Scape National Consultancy Framework

A Contract Award Notice

Find a Tender
Contract (Services)
6 year (est.)
04 Feb 2021
To 03 Jan 2031 (est.)




Geochart for 2 buyers and 3 suppliers
Scape Procure
Perfect Circle
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

2 buyers

2 suppliers


Scape Procure Limited (Scape) wishes to establish a framework agreement for a four-year duration with an option to extend for a further two years.

Lot Division

1 Scape Built Environment Consultancy

The services will comprise a range of built environment consultancy as noted. In addition, ancillary services will be made available by the framework partner through their own supply chain. The specific services that may be procured under the framework cannot be clearly defined at this stage. The nature and type of services may include those identified by CPV codes on or in connection with any land or property, infrastructure and related asset owned, rented, leased or developed by any of the public sector bodies eligible to use the framework, or on property, infrastructure or related assets in which any of the public sector bodies may have an interest at the time or prospectively. The Common Procurement Vocabulary codes stated are deemed to include, for the avoidance of doubt and unless otherwise stated, the Category and Sub-category codes below the CPV codes stated, i.e. 71500000, Construction-related services is deemed to include 71530000, Construction consultancy services and 71541000 Construction project management services. At this stage Scape anticipate that a single supplier/entity will be awarded Lot 1 to provide all the required services at the conclusion of the procurement process themselves, through their supply chain or via a consortium/joint venture arrangement. The supplier/entity will be expected to work for and cooperate with public sector clients, in-house and external consultants, contractors and other partner providers. All contract performance will be monitored using a set of comprehensive performance indicators. Services shall be delivered by the consultant and their supply chain. All services will be performed in accordance with the framework agreement and a delivery agreement executed in accordance with this agreement. Individual commissions called-off under the framework may be as little as 500 GBP or exceed 50,000,000 GBP. Bidders applying for this Lot are required to have a minimum annual turnover of 70,000,000 GBP.

2 Scape Infrastructure Consultancy

The services will comprise a range of infrastructure consultancy as noted. In addition, ancillary services will be made available by the framework partner through their own supply chain. The specific services that may be procured under the framework cannot be clearly defined at this stage. The nature and type of services may include those identified by CPV codes on or in connection with any land or property, infrastructure and related asset owned, rented, leased or developed by any of the public sector bodies eligible to use the framework, or on property, infrastructure or related assets in which any of the public sector bodies may have an interest at the time or prospectively. The Common Procurement Vocabulary codes stated are deemed to include, for the avoidance of doubt and unless otherwise stated, the Category and Sub-category codes below the CPV codes stated, i.e. 71500000, Construction-related services is deemed to include 71530000, Construction consultancy services and 71541000 Construction project management services. At this stage Scape anticipate that a single supplier/entity will be awarded Lot 2 to provide all the required services at the conclusion of the procurement process themselves, through their supply chain or via a consortium/joint venture arrangement. The supplier/entity will be expected to work for and cooperate with public sector clients, in-house and external consultants, contractors and other partner providers. All contract performance will be monitored using a set of comprehensive performance indicators. Services shall be delivered by the consultant and their supply chain. All services will be performed in accordance with the framework agreement and a delivery agreement executed in accordance with this agreement. Individual commissions called-off under the framework may be as little as 500 GBP or exceed 50,000,000 GBP. Bidders applying for this Lot are required to have a minimum annual turnover of 50,000,000 GBP.

3 Scape Place Shaping

The Place Shaping lot is dedicated to the management of property by implementing effective strategies to achieve sustainable public estates. This includes all aspects of the asset lifecycle from policy, change management, operational improvement through strategic advisory services to enable long term planning. In addition, ancillary services will be made available by the framework partner through their supply chain. The specific services that may be procured under the framework cannot be clearly defined at this stage. The nature and type of services may include those identified by CPV codes on or in connection with any land or property, infrastructure and related asset owned, rented, leased or developed by any of the public sector bodies eligible to use the framework, or on property, infrastructure or related assets in which any of the public sector bodies may have an interest at the time or prospectively. The Common Procurement Vocabulary codes stated are deemed to include, for the avoidance of doubt and unless otherwise stated, the Category and Sub-category codes below the CPV codes stated, i.e. 71500000, Construction-related services is deemed to include 71530000, Construction consultancy services and 71541000 Construction project management services. At this stage Scape anticipate that a single supplier/entity will be awarded Lot 3 to provide all the required services at the conclusion of the procurement process themselves, through their supply chain or via a consortium/joint venture arrangement. The supplier/entity will be expected to work for and cooperate with public sector clients, in-house and external consultants, contractors and other partner providers. All contract performance will be monitored using a set of comprehensive performance indicators. Services shall be delivered by the consultant and their supply chain. All services will be performed in accordance with the framework agreement and a delivery agreement executed in accordance with this agreement. Individual commissions called-off under the framework may be as little as 500 GBP or exceed 50,000,000 GBP. Bidders applying for this Lot are required to have a minimum annual turnover of 25,000,000 GBP.

Award Detail

1 Perfect Circle (Leicester)
  • Built Environment
  • Reference: 1
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £350,000,000
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.
2 Perfect Circle (Leicester)
  • Infrastructure Consultancy
  • Reference: 2
  • Num offers: 2
  • Value: £250,000,000
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.
3 Mace (London)
  • Place Shaping
  • Reference: 3
  • Num offers: 3
  • Value: £100,000,000
  • Subcontracting opportunities are expected.

Award Criteria

Tender Quality submission 60.0
Interview 10.0
Price 30.0

CPV Codes

  • 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
  • 70110000 - Development services of real estate
  • 70111000 - Development of residential real estate
  • 70112000 - Development of non-residential real estate
  • 70120000 - Buying and selling of real estate
  • 70130000 - Letting services of own property
  • 70210000 - Residential property renting or leasing services
  • 70220000 - Non-residential property renting or leasing services
  • 70310000 - Building rental or sale services
  • 70321000 - Land rental services
  • 70330000 - Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis
  • 71210000 - Advisory architectural services
  • 71220000 - Architectural design services
  • 71230000 - Organisation of architectural design contests
  • 71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
  • 71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services
  • 71310000 - Consultative engineering and construction services
  • 71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
  • 71311200 - Transport systems consultancy services
  • 71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services
  • 71315300 - Building surveying services
  • 71320000 - Engineering design services
  • 71321100 - Construction economics services
  • 71324000 - Quantity surveying services
  • 71330000 - Miscellaneous engineering services
  • 71340000 - Integrated engineering services
  • 71350000 - Engineering-related scientific and technical services
  • 71410000 - Urban planning services
  • 71420000 - Landscape architectural services
  • 71510000 - Site-investigation services
  • 71520000 - Construction supervision services
  • 71530000 - Construction consultancy services
  • 71540000 - Construction management services
  • 71541000 - Construction project management services
  • 71610000 - Composition and purity testing and analysis services
  • 71620000 - Analysis services
  • 71700000 - Monitoring and control services
  • 79112100 - Stakeholders representation services
  • 90490000 - Sewer survey and sewage treatment consultancy services
  • 90710000 - Environmental management
  • 90712000 - Environmental planning
  • 90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
  • 71311210 - Highways consultancy services
  • 71311300 - Infrastructure works consultancy services
  • 71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services
  • 71322000 - Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
  • 98113100 - Nuclear safety services
  • 66140000 - Portfolio management services
  • 66171000 - Financial consultancy services
  • 71241000 - Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
  • 71242000 - Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
  • 71314000 - Energy and related services
  • 71314200 - Energy-management services
  • 71314300 - Energy-efficiency consultancy services
  • 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
  • 72200000 - Software programming and consultancy services
  • 72212300 - Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software development services
  • 72212421 - Facilities management software development services
  • 72212482 - Business intelligence software development services
  • 72212490 - Procurement software development services
  • 72220000 - Systems and technical consultancy services
  • 79996000 - Business organisation services


  • Award on basis of price and quality.

Other Information

Experienced suppliers are invited to apply for three Lots covering built environment, infrastructure and place shaping consultancy services as defined by the NUTS and CPV codes below. Applications are welcome from consortia, joint ventures and the like; such parties must form a single legal entity to contract with prior to contract award. A maximum of five bidders will be invited to ITT stage for each Lot. One supplier shall be appointed to each Lot. This framework agreement is available for use by the public sector bodies (and their statutory successors) cited by name in Schedule 1 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and additionally listed in the published Corrigendum to this notice and online at: To view this notice, please click here: GO Reference: GO-202124-PRO-17742338

