The Supply of Acquisition, Design and Build Services for Telecoms Mast Base Station Sites for the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP) and Shared Rural Network (SRN)

A Tender Notice

Contracts Finder
Contract (Services)
4 year
26 Jan 2021
02 Aug 2021 to 31 Jul 2025
05 Mar 2021 14:00



Geochart for 1 buyers and 0 suppliers
Esn Esourcing Portal
Leaflet | Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.

1 buyer


The Authority is undertaking a tender to appoint suitably capable and experienced providers of Acquisition, Design and Build (ADB) services for telecoms mast base station sites (including new build, upgrades, Notice To Quit management or decommissioning thereof). These sites are part of the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP) Extended Area Services (EAS) which consists of 292 telecoms mast sites in rural and remote locations across England, Wales and Scotland including the Highlands and Islands. The upgrade work will enable these sites to be used by other Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) as part of the Shared Rural Network (SRN) programme for their normal commercial use, giving greater industry network coverage in the UK, by utilising sites that were previously economically unviable.

CPV Codes

  • 50332000 - Telecommunications-infrastructure maintenance services


  • Contract is suitable for SMEs.

Other Information

The Framework Agreement(s) will comprise of up to two (2) Suppliers that will provide the ADB Services to the Authority under the terms of the Framework Agreement(s). The Framework Agreement(s) will have a term of four (4) years. Further information on the conditions and procurement process are detailed within the ITT documents. Expressions of Interest to participate in this procurement should be made by e-mailing ESMCP Bravo Portal is located at Following receipt of an Expression of Interest the Authority will send the Contract Letting Participation Agreement (CLPA); Ethical Walls Agreement (EWA) and Security Aspects Letter (SAL) to the supplier to complete and return to the same e-mail address. The procurement documentation will be provided through the Portal and response through the portal is a mandatory requirement for submission. Once the CLPA, EWA and SAL have been returned and verified by the Authority, the supplier will be provided with access to the ESN ADB ITT on the Bravo e-Sourcing Portal. See the following guidance with regard to accessing the Bravo system. Bravo Registration: Registering for the Bravo system is only required once. Economic operators will then be able to browse to the eSourcing portal and complete the following: a) Click the -click here to register- link. b) Accept the terms and conditions and click -continue-. c) Enter your business and user details. d) Note the username you use and click -save- when complete. e) You will then receive an e-mail with your unique password. Access to the ITT documentation: a) Login to the eSourcing portal with your unique username and password. b) Click on the -PQQs open to all suppliers- link. c) Click on the relevant titled item. d) Click the -express interest- button in the -actions- box on the left hand side of the page (this will move the ITT into the economic operators -my PQQ- box). This is a secure area for projects only. e) The ITT documents will be provided in Bravo, which, as detailed above is only accessible if the CLPA, EWA and SAL have been completed, returned and verified. f) Download the documents relating to the ITT to access. Click on the bold and underlined filename. Select -save- and store on your PC. Responding to the ITT: a) Economic operators will then be able to use the messages functions to communicate with ESMCP and seek any clarifications that may be required. b) Please note the deadline for completion of the tender, this is a precise time and the eSourcing portal will reject the economic operators submission if it is submitted after this time. For further assistance contact the Bravo Solution helpdesk which is available Monday to Friday (0800 to 1800) GMT on: a) email or b) telephone +44 800 368 4850.

