Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Assisted Transport for Vulnerable Children and Adults
A Contract Addendum Notice
- Source
- Type
- Contract (Services)
- Duration
- 4 year (est.)
- Value
- ___
- Sector
- Published
- 22 Jan 2021
- Delivery
- To 03 Jan 2029 (est.)
- Deadline
- n/a

3 buyers
- London Borough of Sutton Sutton
- Achieving for Children Twickenham
- Royal Borough of Kingston Kingston upon Thames
The Royal Borough of Kingston, London Borough of Sutton and Achieving for Children Ltd, (The collaborating organisations) are commissioning a number of providers to become part of a Dynamic Purchasing System providing passenger transport services. The London Borough of Sutton and Royal Borough of Kingston will be providing transport for adults and London Borough of Sutton and Achieving for Children Ltd will be providing assisted transport for vulnerable children. Achieving for children will provide assisted transport for vulnerable children on behalf of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Achieving for children is a not-for-profit social enterprise created in 2014 by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to provide their children’s services. In August 2017, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead became a co-owner of AfC, and we now deliver children’s services across all three boroughs.
Ammendments to Previous Notice
2. II.1.4) Short description
The Royal Borough of Kingston, London Borough of Sutton and Achieving for Children Ltd, (The collaborating organisations) are commissioning a number of providers to become part of a Dynamic Purchasing System to provide providing passenger transport services. The London Borough of Sutton and Royal Borough of Kingston will be providing transport for adults and London Borough of Sutton and Achieving for Children Ltd will be providing assisted transport for vulnerable children and adults. children. Achieving for Children children will provide assisted transport for vulnerable children and adults on behalf of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Achieving for children is a not-for-profit social enterprise created in 2014 by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to provide their children’s services. In August 2017, the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead became a co-owner of AfC, and we now deliver children’s services across all three boroughs.
3. I.1) Contracting authority
Name and addresses London Borough of Sutton Civic Offices, St Nicholas Way Sutton SM1 1EA United Kingdom Contact person: Commissioning Manager E-mail: procurement.contracts@sutton.gov.uk NUTS code: UKI63 Internet address(es): Main address: https://www.sutton.gov.uk/ Address of the buyer profile: http://demand.sproc.net Name and addresses Achieving for Children 42 York Street Twickenham TW1 3BW United Kingdom Contact person: Commissioning Manager E-mail: procurement.contracts@sutton.gov.uk NUTS code: UKI Internet address(es): Main address: https://www.achievingforchildren.org.uk Address of the buyer profile: http://demand.sproc.net Name and addresses Royal Borough of Kingston, Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU United Kingdom Contact person: Paul Freeman E-mail: commissioning@rbk.gov.uk NUTS code: UKI63 Internet address(es): Main address: https://www.kingston.gov.uk/ Address of the buyer profile: http://demand.sproc.net
4. VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
E-mail: supplier.engagement@useadam.co.uk supplychains@useadam.co.uk
CPV Codes
- 60000000 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services
- 60120000 - Taxi services
- Bids should cover the whole contract.
- Award on basis of price.
- OJEU 035169-2021