Contract Locations: UK – Wood Fuels Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 27 buyers and 21 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 25 buyer locations and 22 supplier locations.) 

Top 25 buyers
- Scotland
- Fife Council - 4
- Sruc - 3
- Inverclyde Council - 2
- Stirling Council - 2
- Uhi North West & Hebrides - 2
- NHS National Services Scotland NSS - 1
- Aberdeenshire Council - 1
- East Ayrshire Council - 1
- St Andrews University - 1
- Ayrshire College - 1
- Northern Ireland
- West Midlands
- North West England
- Yorkshire / Humber
- East of England
- Luton Council - 1
- South East England
- Wales
Top 21 suppliers
- Scotland
- Balcas - 2
- Puffin Pellets - 2
- Amp Clean Energy Services - 1
- Land Energy - 1
- Angus Biofuels - 1
- Puffin Energy - 1
- RTS Forestry - 1
- Northern Ireland
- Alternative Heat - 3
- Balcas Timber - 2
- JP Corry - 1
- London
- Amp Biomass Fuel - 2
- Amp Biomass - 1
- Landenergy Girvan - 1
- North West England
- South East England
- Vectec - 1
- Dta Ecology - 1
- International
- North East England
- Woodyfuel - 1
- Yorkshire / Humber