Contract Locations: UK – Marine Construction Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 62 buyers and 273 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 62 buyer locations and 284 supplier locations.) 

Top 57 buyers
- South East England
- Chichester Harbour Conservancy - 8
- Hampshire County Council - 4
- Dover Harbour Board - 4
- KBS Maritime - 4
- Oil & Pipelines Agency - 2
- MOD - 1
- Henley Town Council - 1
- Port of London Authority - 1
- Yorkshire / Humber
- West Yorkshire Combined Authority - 4
- North Yorkshire Council - 3
- Leeds City Council - 2
- YPO - 1
- Education Alliance - 1
- London
- North East England
- West Midlands
- HS2 - 6
- National Highways - 2
- High Speed Two HS2 - 1
- Scotland
- North West England
- East of England
- South West England
- East Midlands
- ESPO - 2
- Leicestershire County Council - 1
- Scape Procure - 1
- Wales
- International
- Ports of Jersey - 2
- Northern Ireland
Top 100 suppliers
- London
- AECOM - 3
- Mott Macdonald - 2
- Gleeds Cost Management - 2
- Ubitricity Distributed Energy Systems - 2
- Amey Highways - 2
- Chargy - 2
- Hitachi Rail GTS - 2
- Siemens Mobility Costain - 2
- WSP - 1
- Mace - 1
- Arcadis Consulting - 1
- Tilbury Douglas Construction - 1
- Land Use Consultants - 1
- Waterman Infrastructure & Environment - 1
- Ingleton Wood - 1
- Keegans - 1
- Jones Lang Lasalle - 1
- Purcell Architecture - 1
- Playle & Partners - 1
- Amey OW - 1
- WT Partnership - 1
- Galliford Try - 1
- Artelia Projects - 1
- Baker Hicks - 1
- Qoda Consulting - 1
- Lendlease Construction Europe - 1
- Troup Bywaters Anders - 1
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Zest Eco - 2
- Tetra TECH - 1
- Turner & Townsend - 1
- Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering - 1
- Britcon - 1
- Align Property Partners - 1
- Seymour Civil Engineering Contractors - 1
- CR Reynolds - 1
- Hickton Quality Control - 1
- Inspectas Compliance - 1
- North East England
- South East England
- Externiture - 2
- Atkinsréalis - 2
- Ridge & Partners - 1
- Bam Nuttall - 1
- Octavius Infrastructure - 1
- Thomson Environmental Consultants - 1
- Land & Water Services - 1
- North West England
- East Midlands
- Perfect Circle - 2
- Pick Everard - 2
- Baily Garner - 1
- Global Hse Solutions - 1
- Socotec Asbestos - 1
- Danaher & Walsh Civil Engineering - 1
- East of England
- Blink Charging - 2
- Environtec - 1
- Stace - 1
- Rapleys - 1
- Bidwells - 1
- Milestone Infrastructure - 1
- Volkerstevin Infrastructure - 1
- West Midlands
- South West England
- Hydrock Consultants - 1
- Sustrans - 1
- Nevada Construction - 1
- International Fire Consultants - 1
- Coreus Projects - 1
- Wales
- WSP - 1
- Mott Macdonald - 1
- Arcadis Consulting - 1
- Curtins Consulting - 1
- Jubb Consulting Engineers - 1
- Northern Ireland
- Scotland
- Arcadis Consulting - 1
- Pick Everard - 1
- RSK Environment - 1
- Ross Quality Control - 1
- International
- Siemens Mobility - 2
- UK - General
- RG P - 1