Contract Locations: Scotland – Existing Flats Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 17 buyers and 17 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 15 buyer locations and 17 supplier locations.) 

Top 15 buyers
- Scotland
- Southside Housing Association - 3
- Northern Lighthouse Board - 2
- Fife Council - 2
- Scottish Police Authority - 2
- Maryhill Housing Association - 2
- Forestry & Land Scotland - 1
- Procurement for Housing - 1
- West Lothian Council - 1
- NG Homes - 1
- Paisley Housing Association - 1
- LHC Procurement Group for the Scottish Procurement Alliance - 1
- Cloch Housing Association - 1
- NHS Lothian Health Board - 1
- North View Housing Association - 1
- Pineview Housing Association - 1
Top 17 suppliers
- Scotland
- CRD Property Renovations & Reinstatements - 2
- Ib Contracts - 2
- Property One - 2
- Caledonian Maintenance Services - 1
- Procast Building Contractors - 1
- MP Group - 1
- Alwurk Electric - 1
- Amber Roofing - 1
- Aspire Membranes - 1
- City Building Contracts - 1
- Kingdom Maintenance Fife - 1
- MJM Joinery & Construction - 1
- RS Merriman - 1
- SG & Sons Roofing - 1
- Timetra - 1
- Wellwood Leslie Architects - 1
- South East England
- Restore - 1