Contract Locations: East of England – Existing Flats Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 12 buyers and 8 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 13 buyer locations and 8 supplier locations.) 

Top 12 buyers
- East of England
- Stevenage Borough Council - 4
- Cambridge City Council - 3
- Southend City Council - 2
- Castle Point Borough Council - 2
- MOD - 1
- Essex County Council - 1
- Norwich City Council - 1
- CHP - 1
- Braintree District Council - 1
- Bedford College - 1
- Bpha - 1
- Amey Defence Services - 1
Top 8 suppliers
- East of England
- Seh French - 1
- SJM - 1
- Accurate Flat Roofing - 1
- Cambridge Flat Roofing - 1
- Penn Installations - 1
- PSW Building Consultancy - 1
- North West England
- South East England
- Ridge & Partners - 1