Contract Locations: UK – Cumberland Council Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 12 buyers and 312 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 18 buyer locations and 355 supplier locations.) 

Top 12 buyers
Top 100 suppliers
- North West England
- No Name Travel - 15
- Thomas Armstrong Construction - 8
- Metcalfe Plant Hire - 8
- Bellcare Domiciliary Care Services - 8
- Eden View Care Services & Response - 8
- Stobbarts - 7
- Story Contracting - 7
- Future Private Hire Taxis - 7
- Michael Thompson - 6
- Reays Coaches - 5
- Metro Taxis - 5
- Cubby Construction - 5
- People First - 5
- Roland Hill Parsonby - 5
- Top Notch Contractors - 4
- N & C Taxi Services - 4
- PH Travel - 4
- Cumbria University - 3
- Eden Country Care - 3
- Greaves Tree Services - 3
- People First Independent Advocacy - 3
- M & I Travel - 3
- Irvings Taxi Hire - 3
- Maryporttravel - 3
- Scale Ability - 3
- Luminary Care - 3
- RH Irving Construction - 3
- Barrow Training Partnership - 3
- Clint Stamper Training - 3
- Enerst Care - 3
- Furness College - 3
- Gas Rooms - 3
- Jemcare Care Agency - 3
- Lews Taxis - 3
- NC Travel Cumbria - 3
- PPM - 3
- Skills Fix - 3
- System People Carlisle - 3
- Tyla Services - 3
- West House - 3
- Tetra TECH - 2
- Creative Support - 2
- Eric Wright Civil Engineering - 2
- Riverside Group - 2
- Contenur - 2
- Glasdon - 2
- 121 Care - 2
- Human Support Group - 2
- DSD Construction - 2
- Stagecoach Cumbria & North Lancashire - 2
- Cybermoor Services - 2
- Krolcorlett Construction - 2
- Mark Lloyd Trees - 2
- Prism Arts - 2
- R & R Day Services - 2
- Cumberland Care Services Cumberland Council - 1
- London
- Blue Ocean Services - 8
- Livingways Care Services - 5
- Profad Care Agency - 3
- Jacobs - 2
- Grant Thornton - 2
- Wilks Head & Eve - 2
- Turning Point Services - 2
- Verity Group - 2
- Awtg - 2
- North East England
- CSG Healthcare - 12
- Cel Homecare - 3
- Corporation of NCG - 3
- Humankind Charity - 2
- Sport Works - 2
- East of England
- 24X7 - 7
- Cera Care Operations - 7
- Aebi Schmidt - 2
- Iveco - 2
- Midco Care - 2
- Isuzu Truck - 2
- South East England
- Nasya Health - 9
- Softcat - 2
- Scarab Sweepers - 2
- Bucher Municipal - 2
- Motus Group - 2
- Bunce Ashbury - 2
- West Midlands
- Faun Zoeller - 3
- Dennis Eagle - 2
- Torton Bodies - 2
- Storm Environmental - 2
- Whale Tankers - 2
- IPL Plastics - 2
- NTM - 2
- East Midlands
- Cumberland Platforms - 4
- Human Support Group - 3
- Tivoli Group - 2
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Holistic Care 4U - 3
- Econ Engineering - 2
- Thompson Commercials - 2
- South West England
- TH White - 2
- Man Truck & Bus - 2
- Severnsoft - 2
- Scotland