Contract Locations: Yorkshire / Humber – Councils Intents Contracts
View Tenders Analysis Filters:Found 23 buyers and 105 suppliers.
(UK geochart with 23 buyer locations and 106 supplier locations.) 

Top 22 buyers
- Yorkshire / Humber
- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council - 10
- North East Lincolnshire Council - 10
- City of Doncaster Council - 9
- City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council - 6
- Kingstown Works - 6
- Leeds City Council Pacs - 5
- Borough Council of Calderdale - 4
- Leeds City Council - 3
- Hull City Council - 3
- Kirklees Council - 3
- Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council - 3
- East Riding of Yorkshire Council - 2
- North Yorkshire Council - 2
- Wakefield Council - 2
- NHS England - 1
- Sheffield City Council - 1
- YPO - 1
- City of York Council - 1
- NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board - 1
- Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Trust - 1
- Bawtry Town Council - 1
- Align Property Partners - 1
Top 100 suppliers
- Yorkshire / Humber
- South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust - 2
- Locala Community Partnerships CIC - 1
- Community Links Northern - 1
- Roundabout - 1
- Bradford District Care NHS Trust - 1
- Fortis Therapy & Training - 1
- Halifax Opportunities Trust - 1
- Touchstone Leeds - 1
- Aimee Oakden Social Work Services - 1
- Ajs Trauma Therapy Service - 1
- Alan Adams Taafa - 1
- Amanda Greening - 1
- Anchor Therapy - 1
- Andrea Hurt - 1
- Apple Tree Centre - 1
- Arts Barge Cat - 1
- Aspire Play Therapy - 1
- Brian Jackson House - 1
- Bridge Project - 1
- Changing Lives Through Changing Minds - 1
- Child & Family Play Therapy - 1
- Children S Therapeutic Service - 1
- Children S Therapy Services - 1
- Chrysalis Associates - 1
- Coit Primary School - 1
- DR Adam Mclaughlin - 1
- Drain - 1
- Ed Elf Child Therapy - 1
- Eden House Wellbeing - 1
- Equipt Therapeutic Services - 1
- Family Action Pac - 1
- Familytimetherapy - 1
- Gail Thornton Therapy - 1
- Gillett Training & Consultancy - 1
- Gillian Carr - 1
- Great Oaks Psychology - 1
- Hebden Bridge Community Association - 1
- Helen Cook Consulting - 1
- Helen Melling Play Attachment & Trauma Therapy Services - 1
- Hope Attachment Training & Therapeutic Services - 1
- Hugh Palmer Systemic Psychotherapy - 1
- Hullcare - 1
- JM Systemic Therapy - 1
- John Scott Systemic Family Psychotherapist - 1
- Juniper Tree Therapy - 1
- Karl Morris Huntbach - 1
- Kathy Riley - 1
- Leeds Centre for Attachment & Trauma Lcat - 1
- Leeds Gypsy & Traveller Exchange Leeds Gate - 1
- Lisa Smith - 1
- Lucy Harrison - 1
- A Mind Apart Theatre - 1
- Moving Feelings - 1
- Music Therapy Services - 1
- Nestt Therapeutic Training Foundation - 1
- North Halifax Partnership - 1
- Oakdale Therapies - 1
- Paula Emmett Art Therapy - 1
- Play Connects - 1
- Play Therapy Bradford - 1
- Primary Care Dietitians - 1
- Reflective Minds - 1
- Rescue Jet - 1
- Rotherham Therapeutic Team - 1
- Ruth Adams Taafa - 1
- Sandra Georgeson Play Therapy - 1
- Sheffield Young Women S Christian Association - 1
- Sheffield Young Womens Christian Association - 1
- Socrates Psychological Services - 1
- South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust Wakefield - 1
- Step by Step Play Therapy - 1
- Theraplay Like Children - 1
- Therapp - 1
- Therapy in Praxis - 1
- Time to Listen CIC - 1
- Time2Shine Play Therapy Service - 1
- Together Emotional Wellbeing & Attachment - 1
- Turnways Therapies - 1
- North West England
- South East England
- Keysource - 2
- Stulz Modular - 2
- Adoption UK Charity - 1
- Albyfield - 1
- Nicholas James Health & Safety Solutions - 1
- East Midlands
- West Midlands
- International
- East of England
- London
- DMC Healthcare - 1